There have been three separate surveys of the monumental inscriptions in the churchyard and cemetery of Strathblane Parish Church, carried out in 1886, 1969 and 2005 . All are available here:
- 2005 Strathblane Churchyard and Cemetery Monumental Insciptions compiled by Milngavie Family History Society
- 1969 West Stirlingshire monumental inscriptions pre 1855 by John & Sheila Mitchell
- 1886 Strathblane Churchyard, compiled by the daughters of John Guthrie Smith
2005 Strathblane Churchyard and Cemetery Monumental Inscriptions
Compiled by Milngavie Family History Society

© 2014 Glasgow and West of Scotland Family History Society ISBN: 978-1-870186-99-5 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, without the prior permission of the Glasgow and West of Scotland Family History Society. First edition September 2014 Second edition 2022
Glasgow & West of Scotland Family History Society are indebted to Milngavie Family History Society for all the work they have done in recording this churchyard & cemetery. The following information has been drawn up by Milngavie FHS. Some stones in the churchyard are laid flat, as was the custom of the time when they were laid. Many of these flat stones are covered with turf. During our survey the turf was carefully peeled back and the stones exposed for recording. The stones were then reinstated as found.
This is the third known attempt to record the stones at Strathblane. The first was in 1886 by John Guthrie Smith and listed in his book “The parish of Strathblane and its inhabitants”. The second was by John and Sheila Mitchell who surveyed in May 1969 and recorded their finds in their book “West Stirlingshire monumental inscriptions pre 1855”. Both of these earlier surveys covered only the churchyard which was smaller than at present.
Cross-checking of the three surveys will show differences in interpretation of the exact wording and dates on the stones. The present survey has attempted to record what we saw on the stone. Users of this book are advised to check all three versions and decide which version matches their other knowledge.
The wording listed against each stone in this survey contains all the historic detail recorded on the stone but not necessarily in the order as seen. When stones were recorded in earlier surveys they are noted as ” G ” for Guthrie Smith, and ” M ” for Mitchell.
Milngavie FHS & Glasgow & West of Scotland FHS wish to thank the minister and session of Strathblane Parish Church and Stirling Council cemeteries department for their support and permissions.

Churchyard Plan

Cemetery Plan

Surname Index
Surname | Gravestone Refs. |
Adam | 116, 572. |
Aikman | 635. |
Aitken | 155, 229, 358, 435. |
Akein | 154. |
Alder | 130. |
Alexander | 38, 264, 265, 458, 607.618, 660, 693. |
Allan | 183, 470. |
Allison | 1, 66, 471. |
Anderson | 537,561,601,610,696. |
Anglie | 343. |
Angus | 262, 392. |
Arbuckle | 90, 534. |
Armour | 421, 479. |
Armstrong | 420. |
Arthur | 193. |
Attle | 671. |
Auchinvole | 212. |
Austin | 258. |
Baird | 79, 402, 662. |
Barclay | 15, 220, 464. |
Barns-Graham | 25, 26, 27, 398, 665. |
Barr- | 407, 427, 488, 562, 650. |
Barry | 732. |
Baxter | 520. |
Bayne- Meldrum | 27. |
Beattie | 676A. |
Bell | 661, 686. |
Bennett | 50. |
Benson | 282, 283. |
Bertram | 415. |
Beveridge | 249. |
Birrell | 510. |
Black | 226, 481, 590, 612. |
Blackie | 2. |
Blackwood | 316. |
Blair | 568. |
Blount | 127. |
Bone | 494, 495. |
Bonner | 498, 500. |
Bowes | 704. |
Boyd | 140, 310, 434, 672. |
Braid | 431. |
Braidwood | 5. |
Bramham | 542. |
Brash | 123, 124, 188, 519. |
Bremner | 20. |
Brisban | 123, 124. |
Brisbane | 53. |
Brock | 228, 287, 303. |
Brodie | 16, 81, 471, 642. |
Broun | 148. |
Brown | 129, 130, 132, 273,318, 406, 444, 511,522, 548, 567, 675,680, 701.See also Fleming-Brown |
Brownlie | 350. |
Bruce | 368, 480, 529. |
Bryce | 230, 262. |
Buchan | 276. |
Buchanan | 6, 48, 100, 133, 199, 203, 204, 232, 303,327, 340, 368, 417,428. |
Buchanan-Smith | 100. |
Burden | 333. |
Burns | 89, 629. |
Butler | 356. |
Caine | 564. |
Calder | 575. |
Caldwell | 556. |
Callaghan | 715. |
Callander | 455, 710. |
Cameron | 9, 82, 205, 364B, 525. |
Cameron-Rose | 719. |
Campbell | 80, 102, 391, 452,457, 484, 562, 581,735. |
Carmichael | 40, 599. |
Carnegie | 663. |
Carruthers | 674. |
Carstairs | 26, 398. |
Cartwright | 72. |
Caskie | 475. |
Cassy | 250. |
Chambers | 714. |
Chapman | 594. |
Chappelle | 506. |
Chisholm | 29, 60, 605. |
Christie | 518, 692. |
Clanachan | 419. |
Clark | 111, 516, 517, 595,705. |
Clarke | 455, 514. |
Clavering | 131, 570. |
Coates | 365. |
Cochran | 503, 504, 545. |
Cockburn | 49. |
Colbec | 233. |
Colquhoun | 74. |
Conway | 88. |
Cooper | 51. |
Cotton | 52. |
Coubrough | 46, 47, 65, 327, 328,331, 356, 357. |
Cove | 505. |
Cox | 453. |
Craig | 231, 233. |
Cranston | 16. |
Cranstoun | 402. |
Crawford | 227. |
Croll | 522. |
Cubroch | 342. |
Cullen | 29, 428. |
Cumming | 69, 80, 302, 506, 507,634, 727. |
Cunningham | 543. |
Currie | 201, 625. |
Cuthbertson | 209, 572. |
Darroch | 496. |
Davidson | 11, 64, 362, 451, 699. |
Davie | 313. |
Dawson | 557. |
Deacon | 651, 652. |
De’ath | 559. |
Dennistoun | 97. |
Dick | 700. |
Dickson | 141, 446. |
Diggens | 658. |
Din | 342. |
Dingwall | 720. |
Donald | 10. |
Donaldson | 456. |
Dougall | 614. |
Douglas | 86, 341, 623. |
Dow | 643. |
Drummond | 41. |
Dubois | 77. |
Dubs | 361. |
Dun | 343. |
Dunan | 630. |
Duncan | 73, 290, 353. |
Dunn | 53, 61, 307, 341, 592,624. |
Edgar | 566. |
Edmonston | 196. |
Edmonstone | 198, 234, 356, 369,371, 372, 373, 374,380, 381, 382, 384,389, 392, 393, 399. |
Elliot | 641. |
Elliott | 158. |
Ellis | 459. |
Fairley | 519. |
Fairlie | 17, 186. |
Farquher | 503. |
Farrell | 39. |
Faulkner | 717. |
Fearn | 86. |
Fergus | 222, 340. |
Ferguson | 101, 190, 248, 302, 407. |
Fergusson | 127. |
Finlayson | 28. |
Fitzpatrick | 346, 531. |
Fleming-Brown | 511. |
Ford | 499. |
Forgie | 83. |
Forrest | 244. |
Forsyth | 31. |
Foyer | 231, 234, 241, 344, 345,347. |
Franchi | 690. |
Fraser | 164. |
Freeland | 120, 121, 122, 260, 310. |
Frew | 166, 167. |
Gair | 602. |
Gallagher | 715. |
Galloway | 88, 236, 412, 413, 629,729. |
Gammie | 83. |
Gardiner | 621. |
Gardner | 183, 184, 186, 188, 189,454. |
Gedge | 13. |
Gentleman | 436. |
George | 255. |
Gibb | 628. |
Gibson | 89. |
Gilchrist | 36, 37, 62, 144, 355,364, 469, 723. |
Gilfillan | 29. |
Gillies | 724. |
Gilmour | 269, 270. |
Glen | 4, 224. |
Glendinning | 15. |
Goodlet | 246. |
Gordon | 356. |
Gough | 44. |
Gould | 474. |
Gove | 247. |
Graham | 75,76,77,78, 152, 161,207,252,254,258,261, 350,351,352,353,387,450, 513, 563, 564, 565,638, 653. See also Barns-Graham |
Grahame | 181, 245. |
Grant | 264, 639, 691. |
Gray | 33, 191, 293, 403,448, 478, 653. |
Greenock | 694. |
Greenwood | 659. |
Greig | 141. |
Grieve | 63. |
Grundy | 360. |
Gunn | 528. |
Guthrie | 60, 314. |
Guthrie-Smith | 95, 98, 106.See also Smith |
Guy | 621. |
Hadden | 12. |
Haggart | 416, 456, 569, 571. |
Haig | 364A. |
Hamilton | 135, 156, 410, 630,650, 664. |
Hanlon | 90. |
Hardie | 334. |
Hargroves | 628. |
Harlow | 542. |
Harnett | 673. |
Harrison | 292, 483, 602. |
Harvey | 259, 724. |
Hay | 158, 430, 655. |
Headrick | 87. |
Hebbington | 540. |
Henderson | 575, 667. |
Henry | 474. |
Herbert | 103. |
Higginbotham | 439, 440. |
Hirlinglate | 157. |
Hoare | 598. |
Hodge | 681. |
Hogg | 2, 538, 539, 677. |
Holden | 363. |
Holland | 80. |
Holmes | 482, 537, 575, 668. |
Hood | 247, 505. |
Hopes | 708. |
Houston | 21, 55, 481, 627. |
Howat | 235. |
Hunter | 179, 507, 512, 567. |
Hutchinson | 473. |
Hutchison | 43, 285, 540. |
Imrie | 532. |
Ingram | 69. |
Jack | 487, 546. |
Jackson | 92. |
Jacques | 157. |
Jameson | 14. |
Jamieson | 13. |
Jenkins | 400, 703. |
Johnson | 65, 395. |
Johnston | 3, 22, 32, 249, 546. |
Jolly | 190, 480, 637, 676. |
Jones | 615. |
Kane | 545. |
Keddie | 633. |
Keenam | 597. |
Keir | 468. |
Kellie | 614. |
Keltie | 578. |
Kennedy | 4, 585, 714. |
Ker | 440. |
Kerr | 30, 403, 640. |
Kessen | 313. |
Kettle | 718. |
Key | 204. |
Keyden | 23, 24. |
Kidd | 330. |
Kilpatrick | 21. |
Kimberlin | 549. |
King | 156. |
Kinghorn | 496. |
Kinnear | 668. |
Kirkpatrick | 508. |
Kirton | 716. |
Kirkwood | 62. |
Knox | 202. |
Kyle | 45. |
Laing | 449. |
Laird | 264. |
Lambert | 550. |
Lamont | 54, 560. |
Lang | 61. |
Lapsey | 234. |
Lapsley | 234, 241. |
Lapslie | 356. |
Law | 580. |
Lawrence | 558. |
Lawson | 218, 722. |
Leask | 672. |
Leitch | 218. |
Leslie | 184. |
Letham | 535. |
Liddell | 110. |
Lidle | 109. |
Linde | 448. |
Lindsay | 164. |
Littler | 681, 690. |
Livingston | 45, 157, 318. |
Livingstone | 120, 157, 356, 552. |
Logan | 82, 261, 296. |
Love | 55, 140, 467, 469, 476. |
Lowe | 94. 622. |
Luke | 473, 507. |
Lyall | 436. |
Lyle | 168, 284. |
Lyon | 121. |
McAllister | 93. |
MacArthur | 521. |
McArthur | 34, 88, 420, 433, 699. |
McAulay | 463, 464. |
McBlain | 595. |
McCarrey | 721. |
McColl | 56, 351, 586. |
McConnell | 452. |
McCracken | 364B. |
McCreadie | 592. |
McCredie | 631. |
McCrimmon | 312. |
McCuaig | 610. |
MacCulloch | 207. |
McCulloch | 482, 530, 733. |
McCurrie | 444. |
MacDonald | 66,112, 687, 688, 711. |
McDonald | 21, 58, 105, 293. |
MacDougall | 429, 590. |
McDowall | 475, 476. |
McElveen | 604. |
McEwan | 7, 8. |
MacFarlane | 137, 210. |
McFarlane | 32, 68, 111, 153, 179,255, 282, 574, 644. |
McGeachie | 57. |
McGibbon | 15. |
McGreadie | 606. |
MacGregor | 524, 712. |
McGregor | 7, 21, 212, 436, 546,566, 573, 613, 663. |
McIlwham | 295. |
McIndo | 276. |
MacIndoe | 47. |
McIndoe | 285, 290, 291, 310,311, 366. |
McInnes | 553. |
MacIntosh | 449. |
McIntosh | 208, 425. |
MacIntyre | 533. |
McIntyre | 31, 64, 689. |
MacKay | 251, 492. |
McKay | 202, 491, 493, 678. |
McKean | 199. |
McKechnie | 430. |
MacKellar | 39. |
McKellar | 418. |
MacKenzie | 576, 707. |
McKenzie | 4, 5, 172. |
McKibbin | 81. |
McKillop | 42. |
McKinnon | 591. |
McLachlan | 51, 90, 270. |
McLaren | 17, 41, 111, 128, 332,333, 632. |
McLay | 110. |
MacLean | 22, 405, 424, 473. |
McLean | 408, 457, 486, 523,551, 583, 658. |
MacLellan | 666. |
McLellan | 210. |
McLelland | 89. |
McLennan | 558, 583. |
McLeod | 87, 485, 596. |
McLintock | 117. |
McLurg | 55. |
McMahon | 423. |
McMeeken | 296. |
McMeekin | 292. |
McMillan | 263, 363, 527, 566. |
McNab | 235. |
MacNeill | 515. |
McNeil | 1, 186, 220, 232, 236,237. |
McNeill | 627, 632. |
McNicoll | 438. |
McOnie | 9. |
MacPhee | 29. |
MacPherson | 209, 419, 491, 548,549, 550. |
McPherson | 56, 102, 128, 327,490, 551. |
McQueen | 287, 414. |
McRae | 509. |
McSporran | 683. |
McTaggart | 70, 631. |
McVittie | 311. |
McWilliams | 582. |
McWillie | 326. |
Maiklum | 266. |
Maitland | 146. |
Malcolm | 518, 728. |
Maliny | 154. |
Mann | 524. |
Manson | 421. |
Marr | 529. |
Marshall | 244, 458, 604, 697. |
Martin | 34, 35. |
Mason | 144. |
Massie | 626. |
Mathieson | 622. |
Mayhew | 488. |
Meek | 44. |
Meighan | 477. |
Meldrum | See Bayne-Meldrum |
Mellon | 616. |
Melrose | 528, 531. |
Melville | 19, 220. |
Miller | 133, 248, 314, 571, 603. |
Mitchell | 654, 734. |
Moir | 216. |
Moncrieff | 361. |
Monro | 437. |
Montgomery | 647. |
Mooney | 411, 412. |
Morgan | 45. |
Morrison | 6, 112, 113, 165, 510, 554, 588. |
Morton | 432, 445, 636, 726. |
Moyes | 50, 396, 397. |
Muir | 8, 67, 102, 443, 479,489, 643. |
Munden | 530. |
Munro | 619. |
Murchie | 634. |
Murdoch | 206. |
Murphy | 645. |
Murray | 417, 483. |
Murrie | 487. |
Neilson | 3. |
Nelson | 28. |
Ness | 116. |
Nicol | 737. |
Nimmo | 194. |
Noble | 464. |
Norval | 71, 74, 113, 114, 173,174. |
O’Donnell | 163, 525, 527. |
Ogle | 657. |
Orr | 58, 79, 151, 153, 366,394, 611, 736. |
Parlane | 325. |
Park | 356, 543. |
Pate | 466. |
Paterson | 4, 91, 92, 309, 326,508, 640, 644. |
Paton | 481, 725. |
Patrick | 584. |
Paul | 277. |
Pearson | 364A, 383. |
Pender | 347. |
Penrice | 408. |
Percy | 706. |
Petrie | 42. |
Pettigrew | 39. |
Philips | 536. |
Phillips | 594. |
Picken | 442. |
Pirie | 611. |
Pixley | 78. |
Pollok-Morris | 104. |
Porter | 461, 462, 670, 695. |
Priestley | 577. |
Pritchard | 450. |
Provan | 278, 281. |
Purdie | 587. |
Rae | 208, 652. |
Raeside | 497, 601. |
Railton | 684. |
Ramsay | 645. |
Rankin | 18, 117, 390, 589, 591. |
Raphael | 84. |
Rattray | 600. |
Reid | 344, 367, 422, 514. |
Renfrew | 40. |
Rennie | 465, 466. |
Reynolds | 400. |
Richardson | 404. |
Ried | 345. |
Rigg | 176, 555. |
Risk | 535. |
Robb | 22, 43. |
Robertson | 13, 67, 71, 73, 74,103, 187, 471, 478. |
Robison | 299, 300. |
Rome | 651. |
Ronald | 105, 115, 125, 126, 205. |
Rowan | 731. |
Ryan | 676. |
Scarborough | 565. |
Scott | 54, 162, 516, 559, 560,584, 619, 702, 713. |
Selrig | 298. |
Semple | 489. |
Sharp | 85, 647, 648. |
Sharpe | 698. |
Shearer | 255. |
Simpson | 536. |
Sinclair | 401, 615. |
Skene | 498. |
Skillen | 609. |
Smith | 93, 94, 97, 99, 100,106, 107, 108, 152, 183,222, 245, 328, 386, 388,462, 463, 720.See also Guthrie-Smith |
Sommerville | 409. |
Spark | 11. |
Sparkes | 428. |
Speirs | 685. |
Spence | 250. |
Spendlove | 681. |
Squair | 669. |
Steele | 364. |
Steven | 736. |
Stevenson | 362. |
Stewart | 409, 495, 541, 585. |
Stirling | 96, 376, 377, 378, 379. |
Stirrat | 70. |
Stockdale | 426, 483, 486. |
Stoddart | 70. |
Strachan | 12, 271, 682. |
Sutherland | 541, 647. |
Taylor | 10, 46, 126, 229, 521, 552, 649, 656. |
Telfer | 85, 450. |
Templeton | 226, 499, 593. |
Tennant | 368. |
Thompson | 258. |
Thomson | 28, 523, 547, 646, 732. |
Thorne | 472. |
Thornton | 501. |
Thorpe | 38, 165, 312, 313. |
Todd | 246, 555. |
Torbet | 709. |
Tremlett | 586. |
Tunnock | 269. |
Turnbull | 608. |
Turner | 52. |
Tutty | 616, 617. |
Tweedie | 539. |
Urquhart | 69, 516, 517. |
Veitch | 431. |
Vessie | 622. |
Waddell | 636. |
Waid | 490. |
Waldie | 501. |
Walker | 150. |
Wallace | 356, 429, 447, 582, 600. |
Walls | 526. |
Ward | 557. |
Warren | 307. |
Watson | 63, 155, 502, 563, 574. |
Watt | 161, 191. |
Watters | 635. |
Weir | 33, 150, 183, 224, 227,228, 230, 259. |
White | 494. |
Whiteside | 569. |
Whyte | 443, 447. |
Wilkie | 1. |
Wilkinson | 730. |
Williamson | 130, 132. |
Wilson | 194, 251, 454, 544, 606,620. |
Wood | 23, 149, 426, 441, 478. |
Woodrow | 618. |
Wright | 49, 442. |
Wylie | 470. |
Yarrow | 434, 435. |
Young | 62, 359, 427, 581, 609,679. |
Monumental Inscriptions – Strathblane Churchyard
- (Vertical) In loving memory of William McNEIL who died at Carnoch, Milngavie 25th March 1934; his wife Elizabeth ALLISON who died 1st September 1953; his niece Catherine Allison WILKIE who died 8th September 1976; May Allison WILKIE, sister of Catherine, who died 26th January 1980.
- (Vertical) In memory of Alexander HOGG, husband of Mary BLACKIE, who died 20th March 1942 in his 79th year.
- (Vertical) Erected by the family in memory of their parents, Margaret NEILSON who died 13th March 1894, aged 67 years; Robert JOHNSTON who died 2nd January 1899, aged 75 years; their son, Robert who died 23rd February 1921, aged 76 years.
- (Vertical) Erected by the family in memory of their parents, Alexander McKENZIE who died 4th June 1892, aged 58 years; Margaret PATERSON who died 22nd June 1894, aged 59 years; also James McKENZIE who died 28th July 1901, aged 33 years; his wife, Margaret KENNEDY who died 10th May 1930, aged 59 years; their son James killed in France 1917, aged 20 years; also Alexander McKENZIE, 1893-1975; his wife Jane GLEN, 1888-1958.
- (Flat-in front of 4) Col. Prof. John BRAIDWOOD, A. & S.H. 8/8th Punjab Q.U.B, O.T.C, born Johnstone, died Belfast, 1918 -1988, beloved husband of Elizabeth S. G. McKENZIE.
- (Vertical) In memory of beloved husband and dear father, Arthur Booth BUCHANAN who died 21st February 1961, aged 44 years; his beloved wife and dear mother, Margaret MacDonald MORRISON who died 10th September 1968, aged 44 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Maggie C. McGREGOR who died 29th December 1889 and her husband John J. McEWAN who died 5th October 1910.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Jessie Wallace MUIR, beloved wife of Al McEWAN, who died 4th May 1932, aged 54 years; also their son Alex, who died in infancy.
- (Vertical) In loving remembrance of James McONIE who died 22nd December 1887, aged 74 years; his wife Agnes CAMERON who died 30th March 1891, aged 63 years; his son Peter who died 20th October 1874, aged 21 years; his son William who died at Hastings 24th January 1888, aged 21 years and 8 months; his daughter Jeanie who died at Culbowie, Buchlyvie 12th October 1908, aged 50 years; his son Alexander who died 8th June 1912, aged 48 years; his son James who died at Culbowie, Buchlyvie 22nd December 1927, aged 80 years; also Thomas C. McONIE died at Craigella, Buchlyvie 3rd January 1937.
- (Vertical) Erected by Lawrence DONALD in memory of his son, Alexander who died 2nd October 1868, aged 13 months; his daughter, Elizabeth who died 13th February 1871 aged 6 months; his son James who died 31st May 1886, aged 20 years and 7 months; his wife Jane TAYLOR who died 3rd March 1895, aged 60 years; the above Lawrence DONALD who died 7th November 1919, aged 78 years. (G-21/12) (M-217)
- (Vertical) Erected by John DAVIDSON in loving memory of Marion Spark DAVIDSON who died 10th May 1887, aged 18 months; Jane SPARK who died 1st December 1907, aged 50 years; his wife Marion Spark DAVIDSON who died 11th July 1926, aged 71 years; the above John DAVIDSON who died 13th July 1931, aged 85 years; his daughter Jane Moyes DAVIDSON who died 11th May 1969, aged 88 years.
- (Vertical) Erected by Annie STRACHAN in loving memory of her husband Davidson STRACHAN who died at Duntreath 10th November 1933, aged 82 years; her mother Mary MADDEN who died 5th May 1905, aged 72 years; the above Annie STRACHAN who died 1st March 1935, aged 78 years.
- (Vertical) Robert JAMIESON of Ardunan, Strathblane, born 10th November 1841, died 31st December 1913; Elizabeth Morrison ROBERTSON, widow of the above and wife of Edward Cyril GEDGE, born 13th December 1853, died 20th December 1925; and in memory of Edward Cyril GEDGE who died 11th May 1936, aged 74 years.
- (Vertical) Lieut. Col. John JAMESON late of the Yorkshire regiment, died at Ardunan, Strathblane, 4th January 1899, aged 55 years.
- (Vertical) Erected by Janet BARCLAY in loving memory of her husband Archibald GLENDINNING who died 6th June 1891, aged 75 years; their daughter Elizabeth McGIBBON who died 12th June 1893, aged 39 years; and of John McGIBBON who died 31st October 1905, aged 52 years; the above Janet BARCLAY who died 24th February 1908, aged 76 years.
- (Vertical) In memorium; Robert BRODIE who died 25th April 1910, aged 69 years; his wife Elizabeth CRANSTON who died 12th November 1911, aged 73 years; their son William who died 15th February 1915, aged 44 years; their son Daniel John Ferguson BRODIE who died 14th January 1942 in his 68th year.
- (Vertical) In loving remembrance of James McLAREN, Ha1 House, born 12th August 1820, died 6th November 1885; his wife Mary FAIRLIE, born 3rd August 1818, died 17th December 1891; her sister, Christina FAIRLIE, born 13th October 1809, died 15th August 1890; their son, John McLAREN, born 10th June 1853, died 3rd May 1916; their daughter Mary, born 8th January 1843, died 22nd March 1919; their daughter Agnes, born 14th June 1858, died 8th January (G-21/31) (M-218)
- (Vertical) Dr. Walter Lorrain RANKIN, 28th March 1855-11th August 1909; his wife Clementina RANKIN, 19th May 1858-6th January 1939; their son James, 28th January 1885-21st May 1885; their son Harry, 29th May 1883-16th February 1948.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Robert MELVILLE, musician, who died 14th January 1932.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Frederick Robert BREMNER born Strathblane, 9th May 1892, died there, 4th March 1893.
- (Attached to wall) In loving memory of Archibald McGREGOR, born 13th December 1826, died 28th November 1905; Jean McDONALD, born 20th April 1830, died 17th November 1919; Donald McGREGOR, born 11th August 1858, died 26th September 1931; Margaret HOUSTON, born 4th June 1864, died 15th April 1944; Margaret E. KILPATRICK, born 16th November 1928, died 9th October 1962.
- (Attached to wall) Sacred to the Memory of John Wright ROBB, Underwood, Milngavie, born 27th September 1858, died 12th December 1911; his wife Annie Merricks JOHNSTON born 10th March 1868, died 9th January 1936; his third daughter Elsie MacLEAN born 27th May 1896, died 8th July 1899.
- (Attached to wall) In loving memory of James KEYDEN late of Westerton of Mugdock who died at Dunbar 28th June 1899, aged 62 years; his wife Sarah Anne WOOD who died at Stirling 17th November 1924, in her 85th year.
- (Formerly attached to wall) Sacred to the memory of Helen, eldest daughter of James KEYDEN of Westerton of Mugdock, who died 16th June 1899, aged 16 years.
- (Attached to wall) Wendy Jean who died at birth 4th October 1947, infant daughter of Patrick and Daphne BARNS-GRAHAM.
- (Vertical) Allan Graham BARNS-GRAHAM, D.L, J.P. of Lymekilns and Craigallian etc. born 23rd April 1835, died 29th December 1913; his son Gordon, born 1st February 1885, died 7th August 1891; his son Patrick, born 28th August 1869, died 3rd September 1894; his wife Wilhelmina CARSTAIRS, born 9th November 1847, died 11th May 1910; his daughter Jean Meldrum, born 20th November 1870, died 22nd September 1948 (interred in New Zealand); his daughter Katharine Isobel, born 10th January 1883, died 11th November 1962; his daughter Marion, born 16th October 1878, died 18th April 1939, (interred in Southern Rhodesia).
- (Attached to wall) In memory of Allan BARNS-GRAHAM of Lymekilns etc. born 9th August 1874, died 25th June 1957; his wife Wilhelmina Menzies BAYNE-MELDRUM born 18th January 1889, died 15th November 1990.
- (Vertical) In memory of Janet NELSON who died at Clachan Cottage, Blanefield 17th December 1931, aged 78 years, wife of Thomas THOMSON; their youngest son Ferguson THOMSON, M.M. who died in France 29th September 1918, aged 22 years; their second son William who died at Vancouver, Canada 22nd December 1933, aged 50 years; the above Thomas THOMSON who died 7th November 1936, aged 80 years; their daughter Maggie who died 15th August 1949, aged 67 years; their daughter Mary FINLAYSON who died 10th April 1952, aged 62 years.
- (Vertical-on 4 sides) In memory of Ethel Margaret George CULLEN, wife of Matthew F. CHISHOLM, who died 10th April 1922, aged 46 years; their son Albert Murray, 1909 -1990; his wife, Nina MacPHEE, 1910-1990; Thomas C. CULLEN who died 1st August 1952, aged 90 years; Thomas CULLEN born Deanston 4th February 1814, died Strathblane 1st November 1895 and his wife Elizabeth GILFILLAN born Strathblane 21st June 1833, died Helensburgh 25th March 1912; William Gilfillan CULLEN who died 20th April 1935, aged 67 years.
- (Book) In loving memory of our dear son James KERR who died 22nd March 1906, aged 28 years.
- (Vertical) Erected by John and Margaret MclNTYRE, Blairquhosh, in loving memory of their son William who died 27th April 1907, aged 17 years; their son Donald who died Alford, England, 7th December 1914, aged 23 years; the above Margaret FORSYTH who died 15 February 1918, aged 53 years; the above John McINTYRE who died 8th July 1927, aged 76 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of James JOHNSTON who died at Townhead 18th June 1895, aged 63 years; his son Walter who died 16th December 1904, aged 26 years; his wife Elizabeth McFARLANE who died at Auchengillan 29th May 1913, aged 66 years; his daughter Elizabeth W. JOHNSTON who died 21st July 1917, aged 42 years; James JOHNSTON who died 1st May 1940, aged 69 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Andrew GRAY who died at Craigholm, Milngavie 12th September 1902, in his 86th year; his wife Jean WEIR who died 26th March 1906, aged 72 years; their son Andrew of Duncairn, Milngavie who died 21st January 1934, aged 72 years.
- (Vertical) Erected by Robert S. MARTIN in memory of his beloved wife Agnes McARTHUR who died at Wood Bank, Strathblane 11th September 1895, aged 57 years; the above Robert S. MARTIN who died at 37 Carfin Street, Govanhill 17th May 1904, aged 67 years; their son William Lome MARTIN who died at Rothesay 19th April 1920, aged 45 years; their eldest son Robert who died at Govanhill 2nd February 1925, aged 62 years.
- (Book) In memoriam to the memory of William MARTIN from his fellow employees in Stewart McDonald Ltd 19th April 1920
- (Vertical-on 3 sides) Erected by Alexander and Jane GILCHRIST in loving memory of their eldest son George who died at Netherton Cottage, Strathblane 29th January 1895, aged 28 years; Alexander GILCHRIST who died 21st December 1897, aged 64 years; Jane GILCHRIST who died 21st May 1917, aged 71 years; their daughter Elizabeth Buchanan Douglas who died 9th August 1962; their son Walter Alexander Douglas who died 6th April 1967; their youngest son Alexander, Coy. Sergt. Major, 19th Canadian Reserve who died at Military Hospital, Bramshott 22nd June 1917; their daughter Catherine McCulloch who died 27th March 1929, aged 60 years.
- (Book) George B. GILCHRIST who died 29th January 1895, aged 28 years, from Strathblane Y.M.C.A. and friends.
- (Vertical) Erected by Duncan THORPE in loving memory of his wife Jane Laird ALEXANDER born 23rd April 1880, died 16th April 1934; the above Duncan THORPE, organist of the Church for 46 years, who died 16th December 1937, aged 71 years.
- (Vertical) Diana MacKELLAR in memory of her dear parents, Duncan MacKELLAR who died 14th January 1898, aged 63 years; Marion PETTIGREW who died at Carbeth Inn 2nd October 1911, aged 78 years; her brother Daniel who died 26th February 1902, aged 39 years; her niece Marion FARRELL who died 24th January 1903, aged 17 years.
- (Flat-mainly covered by grass) In loving memory of William RENFREW who died 14th June 1899, aged 78 years; his wife Agnes CARMICHAEL who died 14th March 1900, aged 80 years; their daughter Helen who died 6th August 1939, aged 91 years.
- (Vertical) Erected by Jane McLAREN in memory of her beloved husband Michael R. DRUMMOND who died at Park Terrace, Strathblane 13th June 1906, aged 55 years; the above Jane McLAREN who died at Prospect Cottage 9th January 1936, aged 81 years.
- (Vertical) Sacred to the memory of Frederick William McKILLOP F.I.C. who died 13th January 1902, aged 27 years; Peter McKILLOP who died 19th February 1919, aged 79 years; Helen Thomson PETRIE, wife of Peter, who died 13th May 1927, aged 84 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Margaret HUTCHISON, wife of Alexander ROBB, born 18th September 1869, died 13th December 1906; only son James, killed in action north east of Ypres 12th October 1917, aged 21 years; the above Alexander ROBB, born 1st June 1864, died 17th June 1925.
- (Vertical) Erected to the memory of Thomas George GOUGH who died 5th January 1938 aged 72 years; his son George Robert who died 10th November 1898, aged 2 years; his wife Grace MEEK who died 18th February 1947, aged 82 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Lt. Col. Robert KYLE C.M.G. D.S.O. Chevalier De La Legion D’Honneur, Croix De Guerre, who died 17th February 1942, aged 79 years; his wife Isabel Tullis KYLE J.P. who died 26th July 1942, aged 71 years; their daughter Isabel who died in infancy; their daughter Irene, wife of D. R. MORGAN, who died 11th October 1942, aged 43 years and interred at Newtown, North Wales; their son Ian who died 11th June 1955, aged 58 years; Murial who died 1959; their son in law Hugh LIVINGSTON who died 1969.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of John Henry Park TAYLOR, 15th April 1883-28th April 1954; his wife Agnes Galbraith COUBROUGH, 29th August 1890-11th April 1964.
- (Vertical) In memory of Jessie Walker MaclNDOE, wife of John COUBROUGH, who died 12th June 1896, aged 35 years; Robert COUBROUGH, fell somewhere in France, 26th October 1917; John COUBROUGH who died 1st November 1926.
- (Vertical) To the memory of Sir James BUCHANAN Bart. R.N. of Craigend Castle who died 16th October 1901, aged 61 years.
- (Large stone) In memory of Jane Porteous COCKBURN, wife of Andrew WRIGHT, who died 10th May 1907 in her 64th year; Andrew WRIGHT who died 4th April 1908 in his 67th year; Margaret COCKBURN who died 28th March 1929 in her 88th year.
- (Flat) In memoriam; Clara BENNETT, wife of the Rev. Wm. B. MOYES who died 14th October 1928; William Begbie MOYES B.D. who died 8th March 1946, aged 85 years, Minister of this Parish from 28th September 1886 to 5th September 1933; their eldest son Wilfrid Blake MOYES M.M. M.A. who died of wounds in France 26th March 1918.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Agnes McLACHLAN, wife of William COOPER who died 1st August 1915, aged 53 years.
- (Vertical) Erected by Theophilus COTTON in loving memory of his wife Emily TURNER who died 15th April 1941; their son James who died 1st August 1896.
- (Vertical) Erected by the family in loving memory of their parents, John DUNN who died 20th June 1896, aged 67 years; Jane BRISBANE who died 7th January 1892, aged 52 years; their son John who died 9th June 1913, aged 43 years.
- (Vertical) David SCOTT; sacred to the memory of his wife Annie LAMONT, born 13th March 1858, died 31st January 1917; their son Graham, born 13th February 1895, died 28th September 1895; their son Archibald Lament, born 17th June 1890, killed in action at Ypres, Belgium 27th September 1917; the above David SCOTT who died 9th December 1945, aged 83 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Susan McLURG beloved wife of Robert LOVE who died 24th June 1901, aged 60 years; his second wife Margaret HOUSTON who died October 1916, aged 58 years; the above Robert LOVE who died 4th October 1917, aged 78 years.
- (Vertical) In remembrance of Margaret McCOLL who died 17th June 1894, aged 10 years; her brother Hugh who died at Craigend Lodge 25th August 1912, aged 16 years; their father Hugh McCOLL who died 23rd December 1932, aged 81 years; his wife Margaret McPHERSON who died 26th April 1938 in her 84th year.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of dear husband and father George McGEACHIE who died 25th April 1922, aged 70 years; his children, Sarah, Alicia and George Leslie who died in infancy; our mother Sarah Leslie McGEACHIE who died 10th January 192(5), aged 70 years.
- (Vertical) Erected by James ORR in loving memory of his dear wife Agnes McDONALD born 7th May 1863, died 3rd November 1950; the above James ORR, born 16th June 1865, died 23rd June 1954.
- (Stone) W.A.
- (Flat-behind 29) Alexander Roderick CHISHOLM, born 6th August 1898 at Strathblane, died 21st September 1982 at Bedford, ashes scattered at Cloch Lighthouse, dear husband of Celia E. GUTHRIE, 1903-1993.
- (Vertical) Mary Maud LANG, daughter of James and Mary DUNN, died 29th October 1967, aged 71 years, beloved mother of Norman, Campbell, Noelle and Alexander.
- (Vertical) In memory of John YOUNG, Auchineden, who died 10th July 1912, aged 82 years; his wife Elizabeth GILCHRIST who died 25th February 1935, aged 82 years; his sister Marion KIRKWOOD who died 7th February 1936, aged 83 years; Elizabeth YOUNG who died 4th March 1978, aged 84 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Andrew WATSON, beloved husband of Nellie GRIEVE, who died 25th July 1906, aged 42 years; their only son John who died 14th April 1909, aged 10 years; the above Nellie GRIEVE who died 30th June 1951, aged 85 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Margaret Webster DAVIDSON, wife of John MclNTYRE, born February 1873, died August 1912; also the above John McINTYRE who died 11th December 1937, aged 73 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Theodor JOHNSON, born 10th November 1864, died 12th November 1939, for 45 years Minister of Blanefield Church; his wife Mary Hannah Butler COUBROUGH who died 29th August 1966, aged 91 years.
- (Vertical) To the memory of Catherine MacDONALD, wife of William ALLISON, who died at Mugdock, 28th November 1908, aged 76 years; the said William ALLISON who died 13th March 1918, aged 85 years; their daughter Agnes ALLISON who died 25th September 1941, aged 69 years.
- (Vertical) In Memorium; Catherine ROBERTSON, 1870 -1936, beloved wife of John MUIR; their son John, 1901-1903; her husband John MUIR, 1871 -1946.
- (Vertical) In memory of Donald McFARLANE, born at Mugdock, 19th February 1816, died at Balmuldy, Cadder, 17th April 1894.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of our dear father Robert URQUHART who died at Woodend Cottage, 19th February 1903, aged 77 years; our mother Elizabeth INGRAM who died 31st March 1903, aged 75 years; their daughter Jeanie URQUHART, wife of George CUMMING, who died 10th December 1928; the above George CUMMING who died 27th December 1940, aged 79 years.
- (Vertical-on 4 sides) The remains of Sarah C. McTAGGART, beloved wife of James H. STODDART L.L.D, born at Stewarton, 1832, died at Leddriegreen, Strathblane, 6th January 1887; the above James Hastie STODDART who died at The Cottage, Lennoxtown, 11th April 1888, aged 56 years; Jane L. STODDART, wife of C. J. Stark STODDART who died 11th December 1865; Charles J. S. STODDART who died 16th April 1932; Donald McKay STODDART who died 31st January 1930, aged 53 years; his wife Minnie C. STIRRAT who died 14th February 1952.
- (Vertical) In remembrance; David ROBERTSON of Strathblane and Milngavie who died 19th May 1891; his wife Elizabeth NORVAL who died 31st December 1891
- (Vertical and Book) In loving memory of M2/222980 Private James W. C. CARTWRIGHT, Royal Army Service Corps, who died 5th April 1916, aged 36 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Bella DUNCAN who died 8th January 1887, aged 34 years, wife of the late Robert ROBERTSON, calico printer, Strathblane and Boston, U.S.A.
- (Vertical) In memory of Alexander ROBERTSON, builder, who died 21st April 1884, aged 57 years; his wife Margaret NORVAL who died 13th July 1891, aged 49 years; their son Thomas ROBERTSON who died 19th February 1900, aged 33 years; his wife Mary COLQUHOUN who died 28th December 1898, aged 39 years.
- (Vertical) Nancy GRAHAM, 1901 -1984, daughter of John and Annie GRAHAM of Ballewan.
- (Vertical) Jean Mary GRAHAM, 23rd June 1897-1st June 1898.
- (Flat) In memory of John Malise GRAHAM, 1899 -1989; Yvonne DUBOIS, 1909-1990, beloved wife and mother.
- (Flat) John Cameron GRAHAM, 1847-1929; his wife Annie PIXLEY, 1861-1935.
- (Vertical) In memoriam; James Rowley ORR of Leddriegreen, 15th December 1858-26th July 1931; his wife Annabelly BAIRD, 31st August 1860-28th November 1955.
- (Vertical) Erected by Andrew CAMPBELL in memory of his wife Jane HOLLAND who died at Ardunan Gardens 2nd January 1907; his wife Jean CUMMING who died 24th April 1920, aged 43 years; the above Andrew CAMPBELL who died 9th March 1933, aged 79 years.
- (Vertical) Mary McKIBBIN; in loving memory of her husband Robert BRODIE who died 12th March 1905, aged 38 years.
- (Vertical) Erected by Helen CAMERON in memory of her beloved husband William LOGAN who died 27th September 1907, aged … years; the above Helen CAMERON who died 6th February 1940, aged … years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Alexander FORGIE who died at Broadgate, 24th July 1914, aged 69 years; his wife Jessie GAMMIE who died 25th December 1925, aged 67 years; their grandson Alexander FORGIE who died 8th December 1994, aged 86 years.
- (Vertical) To the dear memory of Ralph L. Galloway RAPHAEL, infant son of John G. RAPHAEL, Napier Lodge, Strathblane, born 22nd April 1906, died 13th February 1907; Robert F. G. RAPHAEL, brother of Ralph, born 17th April 1908, died 11th April 1981; Mary E. RAPHAEL, mother of Ralph, born 8th August 1881, died 16th August 1944.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Mary TELFER who died 28th September 1936, aged 75 years; her husband Peter SHARP who died 14th December 1948, aged 89 years; their daughter Agnes who died 7th March 1962.
- (Vertical) In memory of Mary Mill FEARN, wife of Henry DOUGLAS, who died 6th March 1907, aged 75 years; their son Henry who died 21st March 1866, aged 2 years; their son Mitchell who died 9th January 1880, aged 22 years; James FEARN who died 27th May 1907, aged 47 years; the above Henry DOUGLAS who died 9th July 1918, aged 86 years.
- (Vertical) Erected by Janet M. McLEOD in memory of her beloved husband James HEADRICK who died 17th May 1911, aged 74 years; the above Janet M. McLEOD who died 27th April 1926, aged 83 years.
- (Vertical) Erected by William GALLOWAY in loving remembrance of his wife Elizabeth CONWAY who died 25th November 1904 in her 53rd year; his daughter Jane who died 14th May 1910, aged 35 years; his son James who died 11th October 1918, aged 29 years; the above William GALLOWAY, husband of Maria K. McARTHUR who died 17th December 1926, aged 72 years; the above Maria K. McARTHUR who died 8th August 1945, aged 66 years.
- (Flat) Erected by Samuel BURNS in memory of his wife Elizabeth GIBSON who died at Strathblane 12th December 1898, aged 68 years; the above Samuel BURNS who died at Milngavie 22nd August 1905, aged 75 years; their grandson Samuel B. McLELLAND, aged 3 years; Ann BURNS who died 5th November 1958.
- (Vertical) Sacred to the memory of Mary Dobbie, daughter of Hugh and Isa ARBUCKLE, born 25th April 1888, died 14th January 1909; Elizabeth S. ARBUCKLE, wife of M. HANLON, who died 25th August 1931; the above Isabel! McLACHLAN, wife of Hugh ARBUCKLE who died 1st October 1954.
- (Vertical) In memory of Archibald PATERSON, Auchineden, who died 4th September 1921 in his 80th year.
- (Vertical) Erected by Neil JACKSON in memory of his wife Euphemia PATERSON who died 16th October 1910, aged 31 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of James SMITH who died 8th May 1913, aged 56 years; his wife, Annie Jane McALLISTER who died 15th December 1927, aged 72 years; their youngest daughter Jessie Gordon SMITH who died 4th October 1940, aged 56 years.
- (Vertical) John Cunningham SMITH, born 31st October 1845, died 12th July 1895; his wife Mary Booth LOWE, born 2nd August 1854, died 1st January 1945; their son William, born 22nd December 1885, died 17th March 1886. (G-18/1) (M-213)
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Harry Wallis GUTHRIE-SMITH who died 15th May 1932, aged 64 years; his wife Eliza Caroline who died 24th December 1949, aged 76 years.
- (Flat, in front of No. 95) Their eldest daughter, Anne STIRLING who died 21 st April 1994, . aged 83 years.
- (Flat) John Guthrie SMITH, Mugdock Castle, born 19th February 1834, died 19th October 1894; his wife Anne Penolope Campbell DENNISTOUN, born 6th March 1839, died 6th March 1883. (G-18/5) (M-214)
- (Flat) Ann Lindsay GUTHRIE-SMITH, born 5th February 1866, died 11th April 1933; Lucy Alaxandra Dennistoun GUTHRIE-SMITH, born 10th March 1863, died 21st June 1923.
- (Vertical) William Wallis who died 8th June 1887, aged 6 years, son of James George SMITH
- (Vertical) James George SMITH , youngest son of William SMITH of Carbeth-Guthrie born 26th September 1839, died 14 February 1915; his wife Christina Laura, daughter of Walter BUCHANAN of Shandon, born 13 April 1852, died 21 December 1932; their eldest son Sir Walter BUCHANAN-SMITH, C.M.G. M.C. born 25 May 1879, died 27 November 1944.
- (Vertical) In memory of Rev. D.J. FERGUSON B.D. Minister of this Parish, born 6th October 1845, died 8th April 1886. (G-18/12) (M-216)
- (Vertical) Erected by Alexander and Agnes McPHERSON in memory of their daughter Ann, wife of George CAMPBELL, born 25th November 1896, died 5th March 1925; the above Alexander McPHERSON who died 23rd March 1930, aged 89 years; his wife Agnes McArthur MUIR who died 11th February 1942, aged 81 years.
- (Lying on face) Sacred to the memory of John ROBERTSON who died at Arbuman Lodge, 27th May 1906, aged 59 years; his wife Christina HERBERT who died 27th July 1902, aged 46 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Allan George POLLOK-MORRIS, born 30th August 1872, died 7th October 1952; his wife Olive Mary , born 24th March 1890, died 17th May 1969; their daughter Nancy Christina, born 2nd July 1920, died 8th February 1992.
- (Flat) Angus McDONALD placed this stone in memory of his spouse, Agnes RONALD who died 26th April 1808, aged 43 years; their son James McDONALD who died 25th March 1812 in his 13th year. (G-17/2) (M-206)
- (Vertical) Archibald GUTHRIE-SMITH, born 19th February 1874, died 25th May 1949; his wife Elizabeth Cunningham SMITH, born 3rd June 1884, died 31st October 1957.
- (Flat) William SMITH, late of Carbeth Guthrie, born 8th January 1787, died 15th May 1871; his wife Sarah WALLIS, born 4th July 1797, died 22nd June 1877. (G-17/5) (M-207)
- (Vertical) Helen Isobel SMITH who died 1st April 1873; Violet Mary SMITH who died 16th April 1877 , both aged 13 months.
- (Flat-under grass) AL 1796; the burying place of Andrew LIDLE, late farmer in Bla_gar, who died 7th November 1809 in his 77th year. (G-17/6) (M-208)
- (Flat) Here lies the remains of John LIDDELL, late farmer in Wester Leddregrean, who died 19th April 1813, aged 81 ? years; his wife Janet McLAY who died 19th April 1809, aged 63 ? years; their son John LIDDELL, late farmer in Blarhoish, who died 24th May 1823, aged 58 years. (G-17/7) (M-209)
- (Vertical) Erected by Donald McLAREN in memory of his mother Jean McFARLANE, born at Mugdock, 14th June 1802, died at Balmuldy, Cadder, 9th February 1881; his wife Elizabeth CLARK who died 10th June 1901, aged 88 years; Donald McLAREN who died 16th October 1906, aged 84 years.
- (Vertical) Sacred to the memory of James Norval MORRISON who died 8th November 1925, aged 65 years; his wife Mary MacDONALD who died 9th June 1915, aged 58 years; his grandchild James who died in infancy. (M-210A)
- (Flat) James Norval Robert MORRISON who died 1897, aged 83 years; his wife Jane NORVAL who died 1904, aged 80 years. (M-210)
- (Flat-under grass) James NORVA_.(M-211)
- (Flat-under grass) The property of George RONALD, Cuilt, in memory of George RONALD who died 22nd September 1811, aged 88 years. (G-17/11) (M-212)
- (Vertical) Erected by Margaret Howie NESS in memory of her beloved husband William ADAM who died 11th August 1910, aged 61 years.
- (Vertical) In memoriun, Robert McLINTOCK, manager Blanefield Works, born 8th February 1844, died 13th May 1894; his wife Agnes RANKIN, born 4th October 1842, died 13th June 1892; erected by their children.
- (Flat-under grass) I.F.; 1692; W. (M-185)
- (Flat-under grass) H …
- (Vertical and flat-under grass) Sacred to the memory of Archibald FREELAND who died at Broadgate 12th April 1851, aged 65 years; his wife Janet LIVINGSTONE who died 15th June 1883, aged 93 years; their son Archibald FREELAND who died 13th March 1886, aged 60 years; their son John FREELAND who died 7th August 1902, aged 81 years.(G-16/4) (M-186)
- (Flat stone overlying original flat) J.F.; 1692; in memorium by Agnes LYON in memory of her beloved husband James FREELAND, farmer, Broadgate, who died 6th November 1891, aged 63 years. (G-16/5) (M-187A)
- (Flat stone overlying original flat) 1_18; I.B. E.C. I.B. A.W.; In affectionate remembrance of James, beloved son of James and Agnes FREELAND of Broadgate, who died 12th February 1892, aged 17 years. (G-16/6) (M-189)
- (Flat-under grass) This is the burying place of Peter BRISBAN and Janet BRASH his spouse, and their children; their daughter Agnes BRISBAN who died 5th March 1798 in her 16th year. (G-16/7) (M-190)
- (Flat-under grass) Peter BRISBAN and Janet BRASH, his spouse, placed this stone in memory of their son James BRISBAN who died 8th September 1797, aged 18 years; their daughter Agnes BRISBAN who died 6th December 1797 in her 19th year. (G-16/8)
- (Flat-under grass) Here lies the remains of John RONALD who died 28th November 1811 in his 18th ? year. (G-16/9) (M-192)
- (Flat-under grass) The burying place of James RONALD who died April 1792; his wife Margaret TAYLOR who died September 1808. (G-16/10) (M-193)
- (Vertical) Sacred to rhe memory of John FERGUSSON, born 4th January 1860, died 17th September 1915, at Strathblane; his wife Sarah Jane BLOUNT, born 29th March 1843, died 23rd January 1929 (Flat) 17_1; P.B.; (D) (H). (G-16/11) (M-194)
- (Flat-under grass) W.F. I.F. (Book) In memory of James McLAREN who died 2? June 1915, aged 72 years; his wife Jane McPHERSON who died 2nd December 1929. (G-16/12) (M-195)
- (Flat-partly under grass) John BROWN; 171_; J.J.A.W. (G-16/14) (M-196)
- (Flat) This is the burial place of James WILLIAMSON and Margaret ALDER and their children who ended this life on the 1st March 1717; This is the burying ground belonging to John BROWN Mugdock. (G-16/15) (M-197)
- (Vertical) In memory of Esther Eva who died 26th August 1926, aged 19 years beloved youngest child of John and Esther CLAVERING.
- (Flat in front of 131) In memory; John (BROWN) …; who died this … of month … repose of John … his spouse … WILLIAMSON d … WILLIAMSON; John BROWN died Mugdock. (G-16/16) (M-198)
- (Vertical-now fallen) In loving memory of our dear father Peter BUCHANAN who died 8th July 1938; our mother Davidina S. MILLER who died 3rd February 1928; our brother James who died in infancy.
- (Flat-partly under grass) M
- (Monument) Sacred to the memory of Rev. William HAMILTON D.D, born 1st February 1780, died April 1830; minister in this Church for 23 ? years. (G-16/21) (M-201)
- (Flat-partly under grass) RIE; M.B.;1767; Ballagan. (G-16/22) (M-202)
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Peter Charles MacFARLANE who died 29th January 1968, in his 92nd year; his son Peter Cunison MacFARLANE who died 28th January 1924, in his 4th year; his wife Anne Naismith MacFARLANE who died 11th March 1973, in her 95th year.
- (Flat) T G; Ballagan. (G-16/24) (M-204)
- (Flat) 1724 ?; This is the burial place of Archibald CR….. N A…LIA; Ballagan. (G-16/25) (M- 205)
- (Vertical) In loving memory of James McLean LOVE who died 11 th February 1927, aged 43 years; his wife Janet MacAulay LOVE who died 9th March 1965, aged 78 years; their daughter Grace Reid MacAulay BOYD who died 25th August 1996, aged 75 years; her husband John McLew BOYD who died 21st April 1990, aged 67 years.
- (Vertical) Erected by James GREIG in memory of his daughter Carrie Grace who died 22nd May 1927 in her 21st year; his son Alastair James who died 28th July 1927, aged 9 months; his wife Grace K. DICKSON, born 1855, died 31st December 1936.
- (Flat-under grass-with crown and hammer symbols) Unable to read. (G-15/2)
- (Flat-under grass) No visible writing.
- (Flat-under grass) 1855; In memory of John MASON who died 21st August 1853, aged 72 years; his wife Mary GILCHRIST who died 7th November 1853, aged 69 years. (G-15/4) (M-123)
- (Flat-under grass) No visible writing.
- (Flat-under grass) 1813; J. MAITLAND. (G-15/7) (M-166)
- (Flat)I.M. I.H.; 1649; I.Mc. I.L. (G-15/8) (M-167)
- (Vertical-partially sunken) 1747; Abraham (Archbold ?) BROUN. (G-15/10) (M-168)
- (Vertical) In memory of my dear husband James Stewart WOOD who died 26th October 1928, aged 48 years; his wife Margaret WOOD who died 21st September 1961, aged 82 years.
- (Flat-under grass) William WEIR, farmer, Millichin, New Kilpatrick, erected this stone in memory of his wife Margaret WALKER who died 22nd June 1814, aged 37 years; and is the intended burying place of him and their family. (G-15/12) (M-169)
- (Vertical) Erected by John and Ann ORR in memory of their beloved son John who died 23rd September 1923, aged 22 years; their daughter Annie who died 13th June 1932, aged 35 years; the above Ann ORR who died 8th October 1943, aged 82 years; the above John ORR who died 15th March 1944, aged 82 years. (M-169A)
- (Flat) The gift of James GRAHAM to James SMITH of Craigend. (G-15/15) (M-171)
- (Flat-with coat of arms and two separate inscriptions) Hir lyes Alexander M. (F or P)ARLAN; I M M G; 1767; In memory of John ORR who died 23rd August 1915, aged 76 years; Margaret ORR who died 5th November 1872, aged 4 years; Robert ORR died 3rd May 1910, aged 41 years; Elizabeth McFARLANE, wife of the above John ORR, who died 10th December 1922, aged 87 years. (G-15/14) (M-170)
- (Flat) 1685; IA I.S.; 1751; Robart AKEIN and Elizbeth MALINY. (G-15/16) (M-172)
- (Vertical) 1849; By (A)dam WATSON in memory (of) Anne AITKEN, his spouse who died 19th May 1847, aged (42) years; their son Will(iam) who died 19th February ?, aged 15years. (G- 15/17) (M-173)
- (Vertical) Elizabeth, daughter of William HAMILTON, D.D. and Jane KING was born 24th May 1823 and died 13th September 1831. (G-15/18) (M-174)
- (Vertical-on two sides) Here lyeth the body of Christian JACQUES late spouse to Mr. Ja. LIVIN(G)STONE, born 1666, died 3rd April 1735, aged 69 years, a stranger from her native land; their daughter Ann LIVINGSTON, born August 1703, died 1714, aged 11 years : his mother Isobel HIRLINGLATE, spouse to John LIVINGSTONE. (G-15/19) (M-175)
- (Flat) In remembrance of Alexander ELLIOTT, husband of Mary Russell HAY, who died 23rd September 1922, aged 61 years; his wife Mary Russell HAY who died 23rd April 1938, aged 74 years.
- (Flat) Coat of Arms-no wording.
- (Flat-under grass) I.I. A.G.; 18?? (G-15/21) (M-177)
- (Vertical) Erected in memory of Robert WATT, mason, Milngavie, who died 19th September 1791, aged 41 years; his daughter Agness who died 19th September 1792, aged 4 years; his wife Cathrine GRAHAM who died 11th July 1834. (G-15/22) (M-178)
- (Vertical) 1843; Erected by James SCOTT, Milngavie, in memory of his son, Thomas who died 8th October 1842, aged 21 years. (G-15/23) (M-179)
- (Vertical) Sacred to the memory of John O’DONNELL, born 3rd May 1867, died 5th March 1922; his wife Ann Murray O’DONNELL who died 16th November 1935; erected by his widow and family.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of my husband, William L. LINDSAY who died 4th February 1924; his wife Jane FRASER who died 10th January 1938.
- (Vertical) Erected by Robert MORRISON in memory of his wife, Ann THORPE who died 1st May 1848, aged 27 years. (G-15/26) (M-180)
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Jeanie FREW who died 29th April 1981, aged 69 years; her parents John and Agnes FREW; their son John.
- (Book-leaning on No. 166) In remembrance of Agnes A. FREW who died 28th August 1934; our son John who died 24th January 1919, aged 5 years; our father John FREW; from husband and family.
- (Flat-partly under grass) Here lies the remains of Archibald LYLE of Dumbroch and his grandson Archibald LYLE who died 1st May 181(3 or 5), aged 16 years. (G-15/29) (M-182)
- (Flat-partly under grass) No wording.
- (Flat) I.B. C.G. (G-15/31) (M-183)
- (Vertical) 1779; H.G. J.E. (G-15/32) (M-184)
- (Book-leaning on fence) In loving memory of Wee Jean, beloved daughter of John and Isabella McKENZIE, born 6th October 1907, died 19th August 1909.
- (Flat) James NORVAL. (G-14/2) (M-146)
- (Flat-under grass) James NORVAL. (Note-the ” A” of Norval is over (or under) written as”E”.) (G-14/3) (M-147)
- (Flat-under grass) J.M. M. (N). (G-14/5) (M-148)
- (Flat-three layers) W.U. M.H. : 1727; I.M. M.U.; Sacred to the memory of my dear husband John RIGG who died 15th February 1926, aged 57 years. (G-14/6) (M-149)
- (Flat) No wording.
- (Flat) 1766; … h . nan k. lil .. e; Led .. .grean burial ground. (G-14/8) (M-150)
- (Vertical) Erected by John McFARLANE and Margaret HUNTER in memory of their son John who died 28th March 1836. (G-14/11) (M-151)
- (Flat-under grass) No wording.
- (Flat) James GRAHAME Bankend, 1896; remainder unable to read. (M-152)
- (Flat-under grass) IP. M.M. 1767. (G-14/15) (M-153)
- (Vertical) The buring place of James GARDNER, smith, Milngavie; his wife Jannet ALLAN who died 5th April 1825, aged 59 years; James GARDNER, born 6th March 1797, died 11th July 1883; his wife Ann Galloway WEIR, born 17th September 1802, died 5th September 1885; their daughter Agnes SMITH, born 21 st October 1828, died 14th September 189(6). (G-14/17) (M-154)
- (Flat) John GARDNER; in memory of his wife Margaret LESLIE who died at Alreoch House 8th July 1890, aged 53 years; their son John Leslie who died 1st March 1888, aged 21 years; Janet LESLIE, born July 1803, died 10th February 1894; Walter Weir GARDNER, born 8th June 1871, died 31st January 1896; James Allan GARDNER who died 8th November 1907, aged 41 years; the above John GARDNER who died 17th March 1925 in his 90th year; Ann Weir GARDNER who died 14th July 1935, aged 73 years : Robert Lindsay GARDNER who died 3rd September 1941, aged 59 years; George McQueen GARDNER who died 27th November 1946, aged 68 years; Margaret Ross GARDNER who died 20th December 1948, aged 79 years. (M-154A)
- (Flat-under grass) No wording.
- (Flat) Sacred to the memory of Daniel McNEIL, born 8th January 1851, died 30th September 1899; his wife Jessie Leslie GARDNER, born 17th June 1860, died 8th August 1897; their son Donald Johnson, sergeant, 1st Black Watch, killed in Flanders, 10th November 1914; Margaret L. G. McNEIL who died 17th February 1962, wife of William K. FAIRLIE, interred in New Cemetery, Balfron. (M-154B)
- (Flat) James ROBERTSON who died in year 1812. (G-14/21) (M-155)
- (Vertical) Erected by John GARDNER and Isobel BRASH in memory of their daughters Janet A. GARDNER who died 28th July 18(5)6, aged 2 years; Jane who died 13th October 18(5)6, aged 7 years. (G-14/23) (M-156)
- (Flat) 1735; I.R.; 1814; John GARDNER. (G-14/25) (M-157)
- (Vertical) In memory of William JOLLY, born 5th September 1843, died 11 th February 1924, nearly 40 years beadle in the United Free Church, Strathblane; his wife Ann FERGUSON who died 11th May 1919, aged 78 years; their son James who died in infancy; their daughter Annie who died 3rd October 1888; their daughter Elizabeth JOLLY who died 26th February 1951, aged 70 years.
- (Vertical) Erected by John GRAY in memory of his father James GRAY, farmer, Ballagan, who died 1st January 1829, aged 67 years; his brother Alexander who died 11th November 1824, aged 24 years; his sister Margaret who died 30th May 1825, aged 27 years; his mother Grace WATT who died 3rd August 1848, aged 81 years. (G-14/29) (M-158)
- (Vertical) Unable to read. (M-159)
- (Vertical) John ARTHUR. (G-14/32) (M-160)
- (Vertical) Erected by the family in memory of their parents Isabella NIMMO who died 22nd February 1860, aged 60 years; Andrew WILSON who died 13th October 1868, aged 77 years. (G-14/33) (M-161)
- (Flat) Unable to read. (G-13/1)
- (Flat) Archibald EDMONSTON who died 20th October 1761, aged 13 years; Bertha Jane who died 25th November 1800, aged 81 years. (G-13/2) (M-133)
- (Flat) Spittle burying ground. (G-13/3) (M-134)
- (Flat-under grass) With coat of arms; Erected in memory of Archibald EDMONSTONE of Balleuan, second son of the family of Duntreath, 1516; Archibald EDMONSTONE of Spittal who died 30th December 1821, aged 67 years. (G-13/4) (M-135)
- (Flat) In memory of Robert McKEAN, Ballewan, who died 7th September 1880, aged 63 years; his wife Grace BUCHANAN who died 20th May 1897, aged 72 years; their son William, born 9th February 1856, died 19th January 1873. (G-13/5) (M-136)
- (Flat) W.M. M.K. (G-13/8) (M-138)
- (Vertical) John and Annie CURRIE; In loving memory of their youngest son, John who died 1st May 1920, aged 20 years; their eldest son, Donald who died 27th September 1933, aged 34 years.
- (Flat-under grass) This is the burying place of Will McKAY and Margaret KNOX, his wife and their children; 179 (2). (G-13/10) (M-140)
- (Flat-under grass) Here lies the John BUCHANAN Margrat AR …; 1714. (G-13/11) (M-141)
- (Flat-under grass) 1778; John BUCHANAN; Margaret KEY. (G-13/12) (M-142)
- (Vertical) Sacred to the memory of James CAMERON who died 29th May 1849, aged 59 years; his wife Jean RONALD who died 7th December 1836, aged 42 years; their daughter Mary who died 12th January 1833, aged 4 years; their daughter Annie who died 7th January 1836, aged 11 years; their son Robert who died at Maryhill, 24th November 1862, aged 32 years. (G-13/13) (M-143)
- (Vertical-badly worn) In memory of John MURDOCH (died 1818 ?) (G-13/15) (M-144)
- (Flat) James GRAHAM, Mugdock Castle, who died 5th July 1820 in his 71st year; his wife Margaret MacCULLOCH who died 18th February 1820 in her 65th year; their daughter Margaret who died 18th December 1843; their daughter Janet who died 24th October 1844; their third daughter Rann who died 23rd February 18. (G-13/16) (M-145)
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Joanna McINTOSH who died 19th January 1930, aged 28 years, beloved wife of James Masterton RAE.
- (Flat) In loving memory of William CUTHBERTSON who died 24th June 1929, aged 56 years; his wife Marion MacPHERSON who died 13th January 1961, aged (7)9 years; their son Dugald who died 23rd February 1917, aged 6 years.
- (Vertical) Parlane MacFARLANE and Margaret McLELLAN in memory of their children Janet who died in infancy; Hope Stewart who died 8th January 1839, aged 5 years; Daniel who died 2nd December 1839, aged 4.1/4 years; Eliza who died 30th November 1856, aged 5.1/2 years. (G-12/9) (M-123)
- (Flat) 1707; W.W. M.G.; G.W. ?. B. (G-12/10) (M-124)
- (Vertical) Daniel McGREGOR who died 1st February 1869, aged 75 years; his wife Agnes AUCHINVOLE who died 19th July 1861, aged 73 years; Mary McGREGOR who died 27th September 1869, aged 53 years.(G-12/11) (M-125)
- (Flat-in front of 212) J; John WANI …; ..11??; G.W. J. B. (G-12/11) (M-126)
- (Flat) J.W.; G.W. J.B.; 1769. (G-12/12) (M-127)
- (Vertical-fallen on face) Unable to read.
- (Flat) Sacred to the memory of John MOIR M.B, Wester Leddriegreen, born 3rd August 1853, died 17th July 1877; Elizabeth MOIR, born 19th June 1855, died 17th April 1857; Jane MOIR, born 3rd May 1858, died 5th January 1861; their father John MOIR, farmer at Leddriegreen who died 18th June 1880, aged 76 years; their mother Janet Graham MOIR who died 20th December 1886, aged 69 years.(G-12/14) (M-129)
- (Flat) 17 (or J7) (G-12/15) (M-130)
- (Vertical) James LEITCH; Margat LAWSON; 1774. (G-12/16) (M-131)
- Not used.
- (Flat) In memory of Donald McNEIL who died 14th January 1896, aged 81 years; his wife Elizabeth BARCLAY who died 19th July 1900, aged 83 years; their son William who died 4th September 1857, aged 8 months; Elizabeth Barclay, daughter of John and Elizabeth MELVILLE, who died 14th August 1884, aged 3 months; their daughter Janet McNeil, born 185(7), died 6th February 1910. (G-11/2) (M-110)
- (Flat) J.B. E.S. (G-11/3) (M-111)
- (Flat-under grass-within low enclosure) This is the Burying place of Robert SMITH and Marion FERGUS and their descendants, 1685. (G-11/5) (M-112)
- (Flat-under grass-within low enclosure) coat of arms. (G-11/4) (M-113)
- (Flat-under grass) This is the burying place of William WEIR, farmer in Graigdow, New Kilpatrick and Margaret GLEN, his spouse and their children; their son James WEIR who died 28th July 1799 in his 27th year. (G-11/7) (M-115)
- (Flat-under grass) A. (G.) 1788; A. (G.) 1793 (G-11/8) (M-116)
- (Vertical) In memory of Hugh TEMPLETON who died 2nd October 1915, aged 43 years; his son George who died 29th April 1906, aged 6 years, interred in Mauchline cemetery; his wife Mary BLACK who died 26th July 1943, aged 68 years.
- (Flat) The burying place of Andrew CRAWFORD who died September 1831, aged _ years; his wife Janet WEIR who died 1788, aged 25 years; and their children. (G-11/10) (M-117)
- (Flat) In memory of Robert WEIR, farmer, Keaston, who died 15th April 1848, aged 81 years; his wife Jean BROCK who died June 1874, aged 70 years. (G-11/11) (M-118)
- (Flat) In memory of Walter AITKEN of Auchengillan, who died at Auchengillan 3rd July 1855, aged 78 years; his wife Margaret TAYLOR who died there 14th August 1860, aged 75 years; James AITKEN of Auchengillan who died at Lomond Lodge, Killearn 27th April 1879, aged 64 years; their fifth daughter Mary AITKEN who died at Lomond Lodge 30th January 1896, aged 6 years; their daughter Agnes AITKEN who died 13th January 1903, aged 76 years. (G-11/12) (M- 119)
- (Flat-under grass) The property of Robert WEIR, farmer, Keayston; his son John who died 4th August 1830, aged 39 years; his son Robert, husband of Janet BRYCE, who died 3rd October 1839, aged 29 years. (G-11/13) (M-120)
- (Flat-under grass) 1796; John FOYER Margret CRAIG. (G-11/14) (M-121)
- (Flat-under grass) In memory of Donald McNEIL who died at Letter, Killearn, 27th November 1845, aged 83 years; his wife Marion BUCHANAN who died September 1849, aged 87 years; their son Robert who died at Letter, 8th August 1872, aged 76 years. (G-11/15) (M-122)
- (Vertical) CRAIG. COLBEC. (G-10/2) (M-104)
- (Flat-under grass) This is the burying place of John LAPSLEY and Jean FOYER; here lies the remains of Jean EDMONSTONE, spouse of Archibald LAPSEY, who died 5th January 1821 in her 61st year. (G-10/9) (M-105)
- (Vertical) Erected in memory of David HOWAT who died 18th February 1850, aged 61 years; his son David HOWAT who died 11th August 1854, aged 29 years; his wife Christina McNAB who died 25th January 1874, aged 87 years. (G-10/10) (M-106)
- (Vertical) In memory of Jeanie Fyffe GALLOWAY, beloved wife of Robert McNEIL, who died 30th May 1900, aged 39 years; their daughter Jesse Elizabeth who died 17th February 1902, aged ? years; the above Robert McNEIL who died 7th June 1923, aged 62 years; Catherine McDougall McNEIL who died 7th July 1967. (M-107A)
- (Flat) In memory of Marion McNEIL who died 29th(?) 1874, aged 7(4) ? (G-10/12) (M-108)
- (Flat-under grass) Badly worn-unable to read.
- (Flat-under grass) No wording.
- (Flat-under grass) No wording.
- (Flat-under grass) Here lie the remains of Thomas LAPSLEY, son of John LAPSLEY and Jean FOYER; Alexander LAPSLEY who died 25th August 1822 in his 22nd year. (G-9/13) (M-100)
- (Flat-under grass) Badly worn-unable to read.
- (Flat-under grass) I I (orN) G. (G-8/14?) (M-91)
- (Flat) In memory of Peter MARSHALL who died 6th December 1911, aged 79 years; his son “Wee” Hughie who died 5th February 1876, aged 4 years; his wife Mary FORREST who died 23rd September 1886, aged 50 years; his son Joseph Thompson MARSHALL who died 30th November 1900, aged 37 years; Janet T. MARSHALL who died 12th March 1931 (G-8/15) (M- 92).
- (Flat-under grass) Henry GRAHAME, Edinkill; erected by Betsy SMITH in memory of her husband John SMITH who died 3rd June 1857; the above Betsy Grahame SMITH who died ? April 1882, aged 77 years. (G-8/16) (M-93)
- (Vertical) In memory of Marion TODD who died 16th May 1929; her husband John GOODLET, gardener, Westerton of Mugdock, who died 12th April 1966, aged 91 years.
- (Vertical) Erected by Joseph GOVE in loving memory of his wife, Anne Duff HOOD who died at Broad’s Farm, Strathblane, 26th February 1929, aged 58 years; the above Joseph GOVE who died at West Kilbride, 22nd January 1937, aged 70 years.
- (Flat) 1830; This is the burying ground of John FERGUSON and Mary MILLER, his spouse, and their heirs. (G-11/1) (M-109)
- (Vertical) In memory of Margaret JOHNSTON who died 27th July 1931, aged 62 years, wife of James BEVERIDGE.
- (Vertical) Erected by John SPENCE in memory of his wife Margaret CASSY who died at Craigallion 10th August 1867, aged 59 years. (G-9/1) (M-95)
- (Vertical) Erected by Jane MacKAY in memory of her beloved husband Richard WILSON who died 8th January 1918 in his 70th year; his son Richard Alexander, born 18th December 1883, died 26th August 1884; the above Jane MacKAY who died 28th January 1930, aged 89 years.
- (Flat-under grass) W.M. I.B. A. M.B.Y.; Robt. GRAHAM who died 7th June 1877, aged 32 years. (G-9/4) (M-96)
- (Stone base) Between 252 and 254.
- (Vertical) Erected by Robert GRAHAM in memory of his father Alexander GRAHAM who died 30th April 1820, aged 67 years. (G-9/6) (M-98)
- (Flat) 1824; The property of Andrew McFARLANE, farmer in Peich and Anne SHEARER, his spouse and their children; their son Malcolm who died 1st January 1821, aged 24 years; Andrew McFARLANE, Mugdock who died 2nd May 1870, aged 77 years; his wife Margaret GEORGE who died 14th July 1891, aged 84 years. (G-8/1) (M-83)
- (Flat) No visible inscription.
- (Flat) 1780; J. Mc. J.G. J.G. (G-8/3) (M-84)
- (Vertical) Erected by William GRAHAM in memory of his son Alexander who died 21st February 1857, aged 14 months; James who died 23rd November 1865, aged 9 months; William who died 25th July 1867, aged 11 months; his wife Janet THOMPSON who died 16th May 1870, aged 39 years; Helen who died 9th August 1876, aged 4 months; Janet who died 29th March 1879, aged 11 years; William who died 17th February 1881, aged 5 years and 11 months; Helen AUSTIN, late of Inverness, who died 28th December 1898, aged 78 years. (G-8/4) (M-85)
- (Vertical) In memory of John WEIR, portioner, Mugdock, who died September 1843, aged 65 years; his wife Bethea HARVEY who died March 1844, aged 65 years; their son William who died October 1859, aged 40 years. (G-8/17) (M-94)
- (Flat-under grass) 1824; FREELAND. (G-8/6) (M-86)
- (Flat-under grass) 1777; James A. GRAHAM; Elizabeth LOGAN; J.F. 1824. (G-8/7) (M-87)
- (Flat) 1780; John BRYCE and Margrat ANGUS. (G-8/11) (M-89)
- (Vertical) Sacred to the memory of Duncan McMILLAN who died 9th February 1837, aged 2 1/2 years; Ann McMILLAN who died 9th July 1846, aged 14 years; Alexander McMILLAN who died 13th July 1868, aged 61 years; Hannah McMILLAN who died 8th September 1869, aged 65 years. (G-7/1) (M-73)
- (Vertical) Erected to the memory of Adam Glen ALEXANDER who died 14th September 1907, aged 67 years; his wife Janet LAIRD who died 15th November 1896, aged 61 years; their son Robert Laird who died 15th November 1876, aged 5 years; their daughter Jessie Jamieson, wife of Wm. GRANT, who died 29th March 1888, aged 24 years, buried at Brynmawr, Breconshire; Elizabeth ALEXANDER, born 5th October 1876, died 15th April 1934.
- (Vertical-in front of 264) In memory of Elizabeth ALEXANDER who died 15th April 1934, from employees of Gordon Bros.
- (Flat) James MAIKLUM; 1771; 1681; P.M. M. C.; Here lyes the corps of Anet MAIKLUM J.; her son Charles MAIKLUM who died 25th April 1766, aged 24 years. (G-7/4) (M-74)
- (Flat-under grass) 1711; I.G. I.G. (G-7/5) (M-75)
- (Flat) 1779; G. (G-7/6 ?) (M-76)
- (Vertical) Sacred to the memory of John GILMOUR who died at Burnfoot, 8th March 1909, in his 71st year; his wife Agnes TUNNOCK who died at Cuilt, 17th August 1883, aged 46 years; their son Hugh who died in infancy. (M-77A)
- (Vertical) Erected by the family of Archibald McLACHLAN, farmer, Cuilt, who died 30th July 1870, aged 50 years; his wife Elizabeth GILMOUR who died 10th March 1866, aged 37 years; their children Annie and Elizabeth who died in infancy. (G-7/8) (M-78)
- (Vertical) Erected by Davidson STRACHAN in memory of his sisters, Margaret Rennie STRACHAN who died 29th December 1924, in her 71st year; Elizabeth Hay STRACHAN who died 3rd May 1925, in her 79th year.
- (Vertical) 1768; G.B. M.M. (G-7/12) (M-80)
- (Flat) John BROWN, portioner of Mugdock, who died 31st December 1818, aged 61 years; his wife Elizabeth who died 23rd June 1817, aged 56 years; they lived together in wedlock for thirty years; they died leaving ten children. (G-7/12) (M-81)
- (Flat-under grass) badly worn.
- (Flat-very deep under grass) no wording.
- (Vertical-sunken) 17 (35); John BUCHAN; Margrat Mc(INDO). (G-6/1) (M-60)
- (Flat) 1696; G.E. N.H.; here lies the body of Walter PAUL who died 16th June 1806, aged 51 years. (G-6/3) (M-61)
- (Flat) Here lies the remains of Robert PROVAN, portioner in Auchingillan, who died 5th July 1793, aged 76 years and 10 months; Moses PROVAN C.A, Glasgow who died 21st February 1871, aged 49 years. (G-6/4) (M-62)
- (Flat-under grass) 176(0); R.P.; 1663 W.H. I.D. (G-6/5) (M-63)
- (Flat-identical to 279) (G-6/6) (M-64)
- (Flat-under grass) James PROVAN of Townhead, Auchengillan, who died 21st September 1865, aged 96 years and 6 months; his nephew Robert PROVAN who died 16th July 1864, aged 52years. (G-6/7) (M-65)
- (Book-on top of 281) In memory of our parents Alex. BENSON who died 16th April 1891; Jane McFARLANE who died 26th April 1911; their daughter and son Agnes and David. (M-66)
- (Flat) Alex. BENSON. (G-6/8)
- (Flat) Walter LYLE who died 16th May 1809, aged 19 (or 49) years. (G-6/9) (M-67)
- (Flat-under grass) James HUTCHISON who died 9th April 1903, aged 59 years; his wife Jane MclNDOE who died 5th March 1906, aged 61 years; his daughter Jeanie who died 6th May 1882, aged 7 years and 9 months. (G-6/10) (M-68)
- (Flat-under grass) No visible inscription.
- (Vertical) Erected by Christopher McQUEEN in memory of his wife Margaret BROCK who died 15th September 1841, aged 50 years. (G-6/11) (M-69)
- (Flat) 1707; ?W .M. ? (G-6/11) (M-69A)
- (Flat-under grass) No visible inscription.
- (Flat-under grass) Robert MclNDOE and Bethia DUNCAN; 1814 (G-6/13) (M-71)
- (Flat-under grass) The property of James MclNDOE, late of Carbeth; 1814 (G-6/14) (M-72)
- (Vertical) In loving memory of James HARRISON who died 28th February 1914, aged 72 years; his wife Isabella McMEEKIN who died 17th February 1927, aged 81 years.
- (Flat) Ronald McDONALD who died 19th November 1897, aged 75 years; his daughter Mary who died 28th April 1875, aged 15 years; his relict Margaret GRAY who died 9th October 1908, aged 85 years. (G-5/1) (M-49)
- (Flat-under grass-two stones) I.B.; 1691; T.R. B.C. J.F. M.F. (G-5/2) (M-50)
- (Flat-under grass) 1624; I.W. A.M.; William McILWHAM. (G-5/3) (M-51)
- (Vertical) In memory of James Pender LOGAN who died 2nd March 1898; his wife Margaret McMEEKEN who died 28th November 1899.
- (Flat-under grass) 1694; R.P. J.W. (G-5/5) (M-52)
- (Flat-under grass-in border with 299 and 300) Leddregrean Burying Ground; 1803; Here is interred Christian SELRIG, born February 1701, died 6th May 1781. (G-5/6) (M-53)
- (Flat-under grass-in border with 298 and 300) Here lies Walter ROBISON Esq. of Leddrigrean, born May 1726, died February 1793; his grandson Walter ROBISON, born 20th November 1803, died 14 April 1806; his grandaughter Agnes ROBISON, born 21st March 1807, died 12th September 1864. (G-5/7) (M-54)
- (Flat) Here lies Robert ROBISON Esq. of Leddrigrean, writer in Glasgow, born 30th October 1776, died 25th October 1808; his son James ROBISON Esq. of Leddrigrean, advocate, late Sheriff Substitute of Ayrshire, born 9th November 1805, died 26th November 1876. (G-5/8) (M-55)
- (Flat-under grass) I.R.M. (G-5/9) (M-56)
- (Vertical) In memory of George GUMMING who died at Muirhouse, Strathblane, 15th September 1875, aged 61 years; his wife Christina FERGUSON who died at Muirhouse, 9th April 1894, aged 69 years; their son Walter GUMMING who died at Muirhouse, 13th July 1891, aged 41 years; their daughter Mary GUMMING who died at Muirhouse, 26th August 1921, aged 65 years; their daughter Margaret Gardner GUMMING who died at Muirhouse, 8th August 1922, aged 76 years; their daughter Christina GUMMING who died 20th June 1949, aged 83 years.
- (Flat-under grass) The property of Robert BROCK and Jean BUCHANAN; 1821. (G-5/12) (M-57)
- (Flat-under grass) No visible inscription.
- (Flat-under grass) Here lyes the of William S…… portioner in M(ugdoc)k who died …… (G-5/15) (M-59)
- (Flat-under grass) 177?; James Mc…; C.R. (G-4/1) (M-35)
- (Vertical) In memory of James E. DUNN, born 29th March 1837, died 12th October 1915; his wife Agnes Crawford WARREN, born 29th January 1843, died 23rd May 1940; his grandson Alan Crawford DUNN, born 29th October 1912, died 23rd March 1935; his son Alfred Warren DUNN, born 20th July 1873, died 13th May 1961; his son’s wife Margaret Mary WARREN, born 4th September 1883, died 30th November 1974.
- (Flat-under grass- very deep) Not checked.
- (Vertical) Erected in memory of James PATERSON who died 9th November 1864, aged 70years. (G-4/5) (M-39)
- (Vertical) Erected by John MclNDOE in memory of his father John MclNDOE, portioner, Carbeth, who died 27th June 18(2)9; his brother James who died 6th September 18(3)9; his mother Isabella BOYD who died 12th March 1851; the above John MclNDOE, born 12th February 1809, died 8th November 186(9); his wife Isabella FREELAND who died 7th November 1900, aged 83 years. (G-4/7) (M-40)
- (Flat-under grass) Here lies the body of James MclNDOE, late turner in Glasgow, youngest son of John MclNDOE, portioner of Wester Carbeth, who died 6th April 1806, aged 27 years and 10 months; Thomas McVITTIE, farmer, Carbeth, who died 29th March 1902, aged 79 years. (G- 4/8) (M-41)
- (Flat-under grass) In memory of John THORPE who died 1855, aged 1 year; Anne who died 1867, aged 15 years; John who died 1866, aged 2 years; Robert who died 1875, aged 17 years; their father Robert THORPE who died 1887, aged 73 years; their mother Mary McCRIMMON who died 10th June 1900, aged 73 years.
- (Flat-under grass-two stones, one on top) Andrew KESSEN, Netherton; 1830; in memory of his wife Marion DAVIE who died ? January 1830; his father Andrew KESSEN who died 1st September 18(3)0; In loving memory of Thomas THORPE, born 5th May 1856, died 20th April (G-4/10) (M-43)
- (Flat-under grass) Carbeth Burying Ground; The property of John GUTHRIE; 1816; John MILLER who died 15th December 1819, aged 38 years. (G-4/11) (M-44)
- (Flat-under grass) I.M. (G-4/12) (M-45)
- (Vertical) In memory of William BLACKWOOD, late bleacher of Craigallion, who died 3rd January 182?, aged 42 years; his daughter Christina who died ? March 1817, aged 22 years. (G-4/13) (M-46)
- (Flat-under grass) G.M.L (G-4/14) (M-47)
- (Flat-under grass) Sacred to the memory of John LIVINGSTON who died at Duntreath, 5th December 1787, aged 76 years; his son John LIVINGSTON who died at Edenkill, 14th February 182(5), aged 87 years; his spouse Isabella BROWN who died at Broadgate, 16th February 1834, aged 83 years. (G-4/15) (M-48)
- (Flat-under grass) No visible inscription.
- (Flat-under grass) W.R. I.M. (G-3/1) (M-18)
- (Flat-under grass) 1673; W.R. I.M. (G-3/2) (M-19)
- (Flat-under grass) 1673; W.R. I.M. (G-3/3) (M-20)
- (Flat-under grass) 1673; W.R. I.M. (G-3/4) (M-21)
- (Flat-under grass) 1795; A.P. M.M. (G-3/7) (M-22)
- (Flat-under grass) Sacred to the memory of Robert PARLANE who died 20th April 1851, aged ?1 years. (G-3/8) (M-23)
- (Scroll shape on top of 325) In loving memory of William PATERSON who died 19th July 1916 in his 82nd year; his sister Elizabeth McWILLIE who died 12th July 1917, aged 91 years; John PATERSON.
- (Flat) Erected by Malcolm COUBROUGH, farmer, ? in memory of his wife Jean BUCHANAN who died December 18(5)5 in her 60th year; his son Malcolm COUBROUGH who died 25th March 1876, aged 79 years; John McPHERSON, farmer Carbeth, who died 31st August 1896, aged 72 years; John’s wife Ann COUBROUGH who died 20th November 1924. (G-3/9) (M-24)
- (Vertical) Erected by James COUBROUGH in memory of his wife Margaret MURDOCH who died 4th February 1849, aged 42 years; the above James COUBROUGH who died 20th December 1885, aged 84 years; his wife Margaret SMITH who died 26th July 1906, aged 87 years. (G- 3/10) (M-25)
- ???? (G-3/10)
- (Vertical) Minnie A. KIDD who died at Westerton, 8th August 1906, aged 9 years.
- (Flat-under grass) ?.C. A.E.; 1790; 1667; I.R. I.F.; here lyes interred the remains of John COUBROUGH who died 9th July 1797, aged 80 years. (G-3/12) (M-27)
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Jeanie McLAREN who died 19th November 1890; erected by pupils and teachers of West Calder Public school. (M-28A)
- (Flat) In memory of John McLAREN who died 4th August 1897, aged 87 years; his wife Janet BURDEN who died at Carbeth Guthrie, 15th June 1872, aged 58 years; their son John who died 14th December 1879, aged 28 years. (G-3/14) (M-28)
- (Vertical) Erected by William HARDIE, Carbeth, in memory of his son Neil who died 2nd December 1847, aged 31 years. (G-3/15) (M-29)
- (Vertical-mainly under ground level) 1741; I.H. E.R. (G-3/16)
- (Flat-under grass) No visible inscription. (G-3/17)
- (Flat-under grass) J.G. J.Mc. (G-3/18)
- (Flat-under grass) 1(66)1; W.; I. (G-3/19)
- (Flat-under grass) 1705; I.C. H.W. (G-2/1) (M-4)
- (Vertical) Erected to the memory of Mary FERGUS, spouse to James BUCHANAN, Blanefield, who died 29th September 1827, aged 69 years. (G-2/6) (M-5)
- (Flat) John DUNN who died 25th February 1855, aged 78 years; Margaret DUNN who died 11th May 1866, aged 38 years; Jessie DUNN who died 17th June 1868, aged 27 years; Alexander DUNN, his wife Margaret DOUGLAS; Alexander DUNN; Janet DUNN; Elizabeth DUNN who died 11th October 1905, aged 76 years; George DUNN who died 18th June 1906, aged 71 years; John DUNN who died 23rd September 1906, aged 81 years; James DUNN who died 23rd April 1908, aged 84 years; Agnes DUNN who died 7th September 1908, aged 71 years; Margaret DUNN who died 28th March 1910, aged 80 years; Robert DUNN who died 10th February 1912, aged 68 years; William DUNN who died 22nd July 1913, aged 84 years. (G-2/7) (M-6)
- (Flat-under grass) The burial place of William DIN and Jean CUBROCH ther hiers 1756. (G-2/8) (M-7)
- (Flat-under grass) John DUN and Margaret ANGLIE and their heirs. (G-2/9) (M-8)
- (Flat-under grass) Hiere lys the corps of Archibald FOYER, lawful son to James FOYER and Margrat REID, who died 20th September 1712, aged 16 years. (G-2/10) (M-9)
- (Flat) Here lys the corpse of Margrat FOYER, lawful daughter to James FOYER and Margrat RIED, who died 13th September 1712, aged 9 years. (G-2/11) (M-10)
- (Vertical) 1357 C. Qmr. Serjt A. FITZPATRICK, the Cameronians (Sco. Rif.), 29th December 1920, aged 37 years.
- (Vertical) Erected in memory of Gregory PENDER, bleacher, who died 20th May 1851, aged 61 years; his spouse Janet FOYER who died 17th June 1854, aged 66 years; their son James PENDER who died 7th March 1825, aged 4,1/2 years; their daughter Bethia Edmonstone PENDER who died 3rd June 1836, aged 17 years; their son Gregory PENDER who died 11th September 1849, aged 18 years. (G-2/13) (M-11)
- (Flat) Overgrown.
- (Flat) Overgrown.
- (Vertical) In memory of Alexander GRAHAM, Baptiston, who died 19th December 1898, aged 81 years; his wife Catherine BROWNLIE who died 27th February 1875, aged 57 years; their children, Peter who died 18th February 1866, aged 9 years; Alexander who died 18th December 1867, aged 23 years; John who died 1st September 1878, aged 19 years. (M-12A)
- (Vertical) Erected to the memory of Alexander GRAHAM, late farmer of Craigbrock, who died 11th April 1842, aged 68 years; his wife Jane McCOLL who died 7th August 1837, aged 55 years. (G-2/17) (M-13)
- (Vertical-partially below ground level) Erected in memory of Agness GRAHAM, daughter of the late Michael GRAHAM, weaver in Spittal, who died 8th January 1823, aged 22 years; erected by Michael, John and James GRAHAM, her brothers. (G-2/18) (M-14)
- (Vertical) Sacred in memory of Michael GRAHAM junior, son of Michael GRAHAM and Jean DUNCAN, born, Glasgow, 9th April 1824, died 22nd February 1827; their son Archibald Duncan, born 18th September 1820, died 31st July 1827. (G-2/19) (M-15)
- (Attached to wall) A.B. I.Y.
- (Cube) Duncan GILCHRIST; in memory of Daniel who died 18?th January 1891, aged 2 months.
- (Monument) Anthony Park COUBROUGH of Blanefield, J.P, born 25th January 1810, died at Blanefield, 19th June 1883; his wife Hannah BUTLER, born at Bolton le Moors, 21st December 1809, died at Blanefield, 16th December 1878; their daughter Mary Butler, born at Blanefield, 29th August 1848, died 4th May 1849; John COUBROUGH V.D. J.P. born 25th October 1841, died at Blanefield, 6th November 1921. Anthony Sykes COUBROUGH, born 14th March 1843, died at Blanefield, 31st January 1924; his wife Margaret Agnes WALLACE, born at Rothesay, 11th September 1840, died at Blanefield, 5th December 1917; their second daughter Agnes Stewart Park, wife of Andrew Howard GORDON, born 23rd November 1880, died 18th February 1931; their son George Buchanan COUBROUGH died at Vancouver, 12th January 1953 in his 75th year. In this churchyard lie buried John COUBROUGH, born 1660, died 1740; his son John COUBROUGH, of Mid Ballewan, born 1717, died 9th July 1797; who married; first Agnes EDMONSTONE of Spital; second Agnes LAPSLIE of Campsie; third Jane LIVINGSTONE; his son John COUBROUGH, born at Ballewan,14th December 1761, died 1844; who married Euphemia Stewart PARK who died 1849; and had issue Sarah, John, Anthony and James. Alfred Park COUBROUGH, born 31st May 1851, died 24th June 1896; Ellis Wood COUBROUGH, born at Blanefield, 11th September 1844, died at Northwood, Middlesex, 16th March 1921, and buried there; Adam Adair COUBROUGH of Taviuni, Fiji, born at Blanefield, 2nd May 1846, died at Auckland, N.Z, 2nd June 1923; Harold Ross COUBROUGH, born at Blanefield, 10th October 1852, died at Troon, 11th June 1936, and buried there; Charles Ellis Merriam COUBROUGH, born at Blanefield, 8th January 1896, died at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, 27th July 1967, and buried there. (G-1/1) (M-1)
- (Flat) Alice Margaret, third daughter of Anthony and Margaret COUBROUGH, born 21st May 1882, died 14th May 1884. (G -1/1) (M -1)
- (Vertical) Charles Christian AITKEN, born 15th March 1879, died 7th October 1880. (G -1/2) (M-2)
- (Vertical) To the memory of Robert YOUNG; from his fellow workers of James McAulay, Milngavie.
- (Vertical) Roger Alfred GRUNDY in memory of his son Frank Omar who died 5th August 1855, aged 14 months. (G -1/8) (M-3)
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Hugh MONCRIEFF, born 11 th October 1856, died 27th November 1919; his wife Emily Edith DUBS, born 19th June 1864, died 1st February 1946; Agnes MONCRIEFF, 4th June 1891-1st December 1948; E. Noel MONCRIEFF, 23rd December 1896-10th November 1991; Hope M. MONCRIEFF, 28th June 1894-2nd June 1993.
- (Vertical) James DAVIDSON who died 29th June 1937; his wife Maria Ross STEVENSON who died 28th July 1931.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Sarah HOLDEN, wife of John McMILLAN, born at Rochdale, 11th July 1837, died 9th September 1877.
- (Flat) In memory of Eliza STEELE, wife of Duncan GILCHRIST, who died 10th November 1877, aged 62 years. (G-page 303) (M-219)
364A. (Vertical) In memory of the Rev. James PEARSON, D.D, born 12th August 1813, died 17th December1873; his wife Mary HAIG who died 9th February 1884; their daughter Elizabeth, born 27th November 1844, died 2nd March 1891.
364B. (Vertical) In memory of Alexander McCRACKEN who died 2nd November 1914, aged 81 years; his wife Jane CAMERON who died 15th February 1881, aged 48 years; their children, Alexander who died 17th November 1869, aged 1 year and 7 months, Agnes who died 23rd August 1871, aged 5 years, Jeanie who died 7th December 1892, aged 23 years. - (Vertical) To the memory of Thomas Thompson COATES M.D. C.M, eldest son of John COATES of Belfast, Secretary to the Grand Jury of the County of Antrim, Ireland, born at Carrickfergus, Ireland, 19th February 1827, died at Strathblane 12th September 1855 in his 29th year. (G-page 303) (M-222)
- (Vertical) By Bethia MclNDOE in memory of her husband James ORR who died 21 st December 1848 aged 60 ? years. (G-page 303) (M-221)
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Helen REID who died 8th May 1931; Mary Gardner REID who died 15th April 1948; Elizabeth Denny REID who died 8th June 1951.
- (Vertical) Erected by John TENNANT in memory of his son John who was killed at Strathblane 9th September 1864, aged 14 years; his daughter Margaret who died 9th July 1847, aged 10 years; Elizabeth who died 11th September 1839, aged 2 years; John TENNANT who died 27th August 1868 ?, aged 64 years; Elizabeth TENNANT, wife of Robert BUCHANAN, who died 10th May 1875, aged 28 years; Mary BRUCE, wife of John Tennant, who died 10th April 1887, aged 81 ? years; Agnes TENNANT who died 4th March 1925, aged 82 years. (G-3/22) (M-34)
- (Attached to wall) To my dear sister Alice EDMONSTONE in remembrance of our happy youth at Duntreath; Archie; 11th September 1947.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Edward St. John EDMONSTONE, born 3rd November 1901, died 3rd December 1983, beloved husband of Alicia Evelyn, born 4th February 1909, died 2nd May 1992.
- (Vertical and flat) Sir Archibald EDMONSTONE, 5th Baronet of Duntreath, born 30th May 1867, died 1st April 1954; his wife Ida Agnes Eleanor, born 13th August 1870, died 21st December 1946.
- (Special) William George EDMONSTONE, Lieut. Coldstream Guards, born 20th October 1896, killed in action in France, 15th September 1916.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Angus EDMONSTONE, born 25th April 1936, died 11th April 1937.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Anne Sibylla EDMONSTONE, 18th November 1943-25th March 1986.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Gwendolyn Mary, wife of Archibald Charles EDMONSTONE, 6th Baronet of Duntreath, born 17th May 1902, died 27th November 1989.
- (In walled enclosure) In memory of Elizabeth Georgina Carolina Miller STIRLING, born Greenock, 9th November 1883, died Stirling, 21st April 1969.
- (In walled enclosure) In loving memory of Harry James Graham Stirling Miller STIRLING, Lieut. 1st Battn. Nigeria Regt, born 2nd August 1886, killed in action at Mahiwa, East Africa, 16th October 1917; Edward George Bradshaw Miller STIRLING, Lieut. 2nd Battn. The Black Watch R.H, born 8th April 1890, killed in action near Mushaidieh, Mesopotamia, 14th March 1917.
- (In walled enclosure) In memory of Arthur Eustace Stirling Miles STIRLING, born Inverness, 15th July 1895, died London, 19th June 1971; his wife Elizabeth Gordon Miller STIRLING, born Aberlour, 9th January 1898, died 19th October 1989.
- (In walled enclosure) Craigbarnet; in loving memory of George Harry Miller STIRLING, Commander, Royal Navy, born 30th August 1853, died 17th July 1924; his wife Caroline Frances Graham STIRLING, born 22nd October 1857, died 12th March 1946. INSIDE CHURCH
Monumental Inscriptions – Inside Church
- (On wall) In memory of William George EDMONSTONE, eldest son of Sir Archibald and Lady EDMONSTONE, of Duntreath, Lieutenant of the Coldstream Guards, who was born 20th October 1896 and killed near Ginchy, France, 15th September 1916.
- (On window ledge) In memory of Admiral Sir William EDMONSTONE of Duntreath, Baronet, CB, who died 18th February 1888 in his 79th year.
- (On wall) In memory of Ida Agnes Eleanor, Lady EDMONSTONE, born 13th August 1870, died 21st December 1946.
- (On window ledge) Erected by the parishioners in memory of Rev. James PEARSON, D.D. born 12th August 1813, ordained here 7th July 1842, died 17th December 1873, for 31 years minister of this Parish. (M-226)
- (On wall) In memory of Sir Archibald EDMONSTONE, Baronet, who died 13th March 1871. (M-228)
- (On window ledge) In memory of Sir Archibald EDMONSTONE of Duntreath, Baronet, born 12th March 1795, died 13th March 1871; erected by the heritors and inhabitants of this Parish. (M-227)
- (On window ledge) In memory of William SMITH, late of Carbeth Guthrie, born 8th January 1787, died 15th May 1871, buried in this churchyard. (M-229)
- (On wall) In memory of W. B. Cadogan GRAHAM, Esq. M.D, native of this Parish, late assistant surgeon in the Bornbay Residency and civil surgeon in Kattywar, who died in Bornbay, 8th October 1839 in his 37th year. (M-225)
- (On window ledge) In memory of John Guthrie SMITH, Mugdock Castle, born in Glasgow 19th February 1834, died at Mugdock Castle 19th October 1894.
- (On window ledgel) In memory of Mary Elizabeth, wife of Admiral Sir William EDMONSTONE, Baronet, CB, of Duntreath, born 21st June 1823, died 11th August 1902.
- (On wall) In memory of Walter Lorraine RANKIN, surgeon, born 28th March 1855, died 11th August 1909, for 33 years doctor of this Parish.
- (On wall) In memory of John K. CAMPBELL, J.P, 1896-1983, pew cushions donated by his daughter Margaret. Monumental Inscriptions-Inside Church & Strathblane Cemetery 35
- (Brass plaque on 4th pew) Beneath this spot lies the grave of Mary, Countess of ANGUS, sister of King James 1 of Scotland; also her descendant, Archibald EDMONSTONE, Esquire of Duntreath and of Redhill in Ireland who died 1689, aged about 51 years. (M-223)
- (On balcony) In memory of Sir Archibald Charles EDMONSTONE, 6th Baronet of Duntreath, born 16th June 1898, died 5th June 1954.
- (On balcony) In memory of Robert Baird Rowley ORR, B.L, Captain, 9th A. & S. H, Attd. 4th Sqn. R.F.C, who fell near Ypres, 3rd July 1917.
- (On balcony) In memory of Rev. Theodor JOHNSON who died 12th November 1939, minister of this church August 1889 to February 1934.
- (On balcony) Erected by his parents in memory of their eldest son Wilfrid Blake MOYES, M.M, M.A, 1888-1918, Queen’s Royal Regiment, who died of wounds sustained in action in France.
- (On balcony) In memory of Rev. William Begbie MOYES, B.D, who died 8th March 1946, minister of this church September 1886 to September 1933.
- (On balcony) In memory of Allan Graham BARNS-GRAHAM, born 23rd April 1835, died 29th December 1913; his wife Wilhelmina CARSTAIRS, born 9th November 1847, died 11th May 1910.
- (On balcony) In memory of Sir Archibald EDMONSTONE, 5th Baronet of Duntreath, born 30th May 1867, died 1st April 1954.
Monumental Inscriptions – Strathblane Cemetery
- (Vertical) In memory of John S. JENKINS who died 13th November 1981, aged 50 years; father of Andrew, Saranne and Paul John; husband of Margaret REYNOLDS.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Thomas SINCLAIR, born 13th September 1910, died 13th May 1980; his elder son Michael J. M. SINCLAIR L.L.B. (Hons), born 28th February 1950, died 14th October 1992.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Nicholas CRANSTOUN who died 7th April 1980, aged 62 years; wife of James BAIRD who died 26th June 1985, aged 78 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Thomas Boyd GRAY who died 13th March 1984, aged 85 years; husband of Minnie Holmes KERR who died 10th July 1987, aged 86 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of our son Benjamin RICHARDSON who died 3rd February 1979, aged 4 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of James Duncan MacLEAN, 1909-1978; his wife Catherine Nicolson MacLEAN, 1929-2001.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Albert BROWN who died 13th June 1974, aged 54 years; his wife Christine BROWN who died 14th August 1988, aged 64 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Daniel FERGUSON who died 23rd December 1973, aged 81 years; husband of Annie BARR who died 6th January 1995, aged 95 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of George PENRICE, Blairtummock, who died 20th November 1967, aged 74 years; husband of Ann C. McLEAN who died 29th May 1976, aged 74 years.
- (Vertical) Thomas Fergus STEWART, physician, aged 62 years and his wife Elizabeth SOMMERVILLE, aged 59 years; both died 18th June 1972; their grandson Peter Alistair Fergus STEWART who died 19th March 1973, aged 6 years.
- (Vertical) Jenny Hyne HAMILTON who died 27th October 1998; a dearly loved wife, mother and grandmother.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Richard MOONEY who died 27th May 1980, aged 52 years; a beloved husband and father.
- (Vertical) Erected by Hugh MOONEY in memory of his wife Williamina GALLOWAY who died 9th April 1957, aged 50 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of our dear sister Martha Donnelly GALLOWAY who died 22nd November 1982, aged 74 years.
- (Flat) In loving memory of Elizabeth McQUEEN who died 26th September 1982.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Sybil BERTRAM who died 19th November 1984, aged 72 years; wife of Harry BERTRAM who died 10th May 1990, aged 83 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of dear wife and mother, Mary HAGGART who died 28th May 1973, aged 37 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Helen Joan BUCHANAN who died 30th October 1977, 59 years; wife of David MURRAY and mother of Christine.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Alex. McKELLAR who died 23rd January 1978, aged 67 years; his wife Jean McKELLAR who died 18th August 1982, aged 69 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Margaret MacPHERSON who died 27th January 1978; mother of Margaret and wife of William W. CLANACHAN who died 4th December 1981.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Mary McARTHUR who died 6th October 1979; wife of William ARMSTRONG who died 29th September 1983, aged 89 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Andrew ARMOUR who died 29th August 1978, aged 67 years; husband of Elizabeth MANSON (Bessie) who died 21st November 2000, aged 92 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of James REID, physician, who died 21 st February 1961, aged 46 years.
- (Vertical) McMAHON; in loving memory of John, 16th July 1910-9th March 1976; Agnes, 1st March 1907-2nd July 1985; Gerald Philip, 31st March 1938-20th July 1995, husband, father and grandfather.
- (Vertical) MacLEAN; in loving memory of daughter Elizabeth who died 24th June 1980, aged 14 months.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of May W. MclNTOSH, wife and mother, who died 9th October 1988, aged 57 years; John M. McINTOSH, father and grandfather, who died 3rd June 1992 aged 72 years.
- (Attached to wall) In memorium; John STOCKDALE; Margaret WOOD; Isabella WOOD; John WOOD; died at New City Row, Blanefield, 14th March 1941, due to war operations.
- (Attached to wall) In loving memory of Isabella YOUNG, Westerton of Mugdock, born 3rd February 1862, died 14th November 1928; her husband Archibald BARR, D.S. L.L.D. F.R.S, Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, the University of Glasgow, born 18th November 1855, died 5th August 1931; their son John Young BARR, Lieut. 7th Batt. Argyll and Sutherland Hdrs, born 18th February 1892, killed in action 25th April 1915, buried near St. Julien, Flanders.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Isabella Margaret Helen SPARKES, Craigmore, Blanefield, born 22nd April 1870, died 2nd May 1931; her husband William CULLEN, born 19th April 1870, died 25th May 1949; their daughter Janet Isobel Agnes CULLEN, M.B. C.H.B, wife of Andrew BUCHANAN, born 17th April 1900, died 15th February 1935; their son William Paterson CULLEN, born 8th March 1896, died 15th September 1970; their son John Robert CULLEN, born 15th July 1902, died 26th April 1979.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Jeannette G. MacDOUGALL who died 3rd November 1983, aged 75 years; her husband Alastair F. WALLACE who died 5th April 1994, aged 86 years.
- (Vertical) In memorium; Jessie McKECHNIE, Campsie Dene, Blanefield, who died 8th October 1936; her husband John HAY who died 10th January 1948.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Robert BRAID who died 16th December 1984, aged 69 years, husband of Margaret VEITCH.
- (Vertical) In memory of John MORTON, husband and father, who died 10th April 1985, aged 78 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Samuel McARTHUR who died 15th August 1987, aged 83 years, uncle and friend.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Harry Duncanson BOYD who died 24th December 1984, aged 57 years; his wife Eleanor Audrey YARROW who died 12th April 2000, aged 93 years; parents of Elaine, Daphne and Sylvia.
- (Attached to wall) In loving memory of Eleanor Etheldreda AITKEN who died 1st June 1934, wife of Sir Harold Edgar YARROW Bt; Harold Edgar YARROW Bt. G.B.E. who died 19th April 1962, husband of Rosalynde.
- (Vertical) Sacred to the memory of Jane Mannon GENTLEMAN who died 30th May 1941; her husband Peter Grieve LYALL who died 21st February 1948; their son in law David Houston McGREGOR who died 7th May 1969; his wife Margaret M. LYALL who died 9th January 1979.
- (Vertical) Mary MONRO; 1984; from her friend.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of John McNICOLL who died 9th November 1985, aged 69 years, husband of Betty, father of Duncan and John.
- (Flat) Amy Julia, eldest daughter of Edwin HIGGINBOTHAM, born 7th December 1862, died 13th July 1934.
- (Flat) Florence HIGGINBOTHAM, born 13th August 1865, died 26th December 1937; her husband Charles KER, born 12th September 1860, died 8th July 1940; their eldest daughter Margaret KER, born 21st May 1889, died 11th May 1947.
- (Vertical) Sacred to the memory of James WOOD who died 28th October 1945, aged 82 years; his wife Isabella WOOD who died 17th January 1956, aged 90 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Thomas C. WRIGHT who died 18th January 1961, aged 48 years, husband of Mary PICKEN.
- (Book) In loving memory of Walter MUIR who died 27th August 1956, aged 74 years; his wife Helen WHYTE who died 23rd November 1962, aged 80 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of John BROWN who died 2nd February 1945, aged 46 years; his wife Catherine McCURRIE who died 27th September 1972, aged 74 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Robert B. MORTON who died 17th November 1949, aged 38 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Robert DICKSON who died 8th February 1956, aged 47 years; his wife Jean Borthwick DICKSON who died 28th October 1999, aged 93 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Jane Fulton WHYTE who died 6th September 1946; her husband William WALLACE who died 25th February 1951.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Donald GRAY who died 4th February 1951, aged 28 years; his father Robert GRAY who died 24th March 1957, aged 78 years, husband of Sigrid LINDE.
- (Vertical) In memory of Annie MacINTOSH who died 29th January 1949, aged 74 years; her husband Samuel LAING who died 7th May 1955, aged 81 years; their daughter Katie who died 16th September 1908, aged 5 years.
- (Vertical) In remembrance of James B. TELFER, born 10th May 1871, died 3rd October 1946; his wife Sarah B. GRAHAM who died 10th August 1963 in her 90th year; her sister Agnes who died 18th November 1962 in her 87th year; Hugh Kirk TELFER who died 14th June 1966 in his 69th year; his wife Margaret PRITCHARD who died 17th November 1987 in her 90th year.
- (Vertical) 1691043 Ldg. aircraftman D. R. F. DAVIDSON, Royal Air Force, who died 29th March 1946, aged 24 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Archibald B. CAMPBELL who died 6th August 1943; his wife Jessie McCONNELL who died 24th November 1960.
- (Vertical) In remembrance of ex constable, Robert COX who died 21st March 1936; from members of Stirlingshire Constabulary.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of William Reid GARDNER who died 3rd April 1945, aged 71 years; his wife Margaret Heatherston WILSON who died 1st March 1957, aged 82 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of William CALLANDER who died 8th January 1936, aged 71 years; his wife Margaret Jane CLARKE who died 7th April 1966; their eldest son James Henry, killed in action in North West Europe, 2nd October 1944, aged 26 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Clementina DONALDSON who died 27th September 1937, aged 74 years; Daniel HAGGART who died 5th November 1958; his wife Margaret DONALDSON who died 31st October 1961.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of George A. CAMPBELL who died 21st January 1957; his wife Agnes McLEAN who died 31st March 1964.
- (Vertical) In memory of Andrew Alexander MARSHALL who died 10th March 1938, aged 64 years; his wife Mary MacKellar ALEXANDER who died 5th February 1951, aged 80 years; George Forrest MARSHALL who died 27th February 1947, aged 87 years.
- (Wedge) In loving memory of Lorna Elizabeth ELLIS who died 10th October 1968, aged 3 years.
- (Wedge) No inscription.
- (Vertical) In memory of Martha P. PORTER who died 8th November 1941, aged 58 years; her husband John PORTER who died 4th August 1947, aged 68 years; their son John who died 2nd June 1936, aged 32 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Charles A. SMITH who died 5th October 1971, aged 68 years; his wife Martha (Bessie) PORTER who died 13th June 1997, aged 89 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Christina J. McAULAY who died 25th February 1951, wife of Alexander SMITH.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of William NOBLE who died 18th July 1966, aged 67 years; his wife Annie McAULAY who died 24th February 1984; their son Robert McAulay NOBLE who died 11th May 1965, aged 33 years; Robert’s wife, Helen Callander BARCLAY who died 20th January 1993, aged 57 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Thomas Pate RENNIE who died 2nd March 1995, aged 71 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of William RENNIE who died 22nd November 1941; his wife Janet Lindsay PATE who died 31st July 1956, aged 67 years; their son William who died 1920; their daughter Annie who died 1925.
- (Vertical) In memory of David McDowall LOVE who died 8th September 1966, aged 63 years; his wife Mary LOVE who died 19th July 1985, aged 83 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Donald KEIR who died 21st July 1947, aged 43 years, husband of Jean F. KEIR.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of John LOVE, Middleton of Mugdock, who died 5th April 1947; his wife Janet M. GILCHRIST who died 13th February 1976.
- (Vertical) Sacred to the memory of Thomas WYLIE who died 2nd July 1947; his wife Mary D. ALLAN who died at Scone 7th June 1977.
- (Vertical) In memory of Margaret ALLISON who died 13th November 1953, widow of Daniel BRODIE; Isabella ALLISON who died 27th June 1949; her husband John ROBERTSON who died 1st September 1966.
- (Vertical) In memory of my husband Robert Montague THORNE who died at Carbeth, Blanefield, 13th May 1940.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of John M. MacLEAN, Milndavie House, Strathblane, who died 12th December 1951, aged 75 years; his wife Margaret D. MacLEAN who died at Strathblane 4th September 1943, aged 65 years; their only son Andrew MacGavin MacLEAN, Lieut. R.N.V.R. who died of wounds 18th February 1940, aged 31 years, husband of Jasmine Vivien LUKE; their youngest daughter Moira Harvie who died 8th July 1972, wife of Ronald HUTCHINSON; their eldest daughter Jean Campbell MacLEAN who died 7th February 2002, aged 90 years.
- (Vertical) HENRY; in loving memory of our mother Jane Buchanan GOULD who died 30th May 1933.
- (Vertical) In memory of David Craig McDOWALL who died 1 st July 1935, aged 74 years; his wife Flora CASKIE who died 2nd June 1941, aged 80 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of David LOVE who died 24th February 1948, aged 79 years; his wife Margaret McDOWALL who died 21st February 1942, aged 73 years; Margaret (Peggy) who died in New York, USA, 2nd June 1931, aged 32 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Stuart Spence MEIGHAN, surgeon, Glasgow Eye Infirmary, who died 20th June 1954, aged 65 years; his wife Annie Louise who died 16th February 1986, aged 88 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Elizabeth GRAY who died 6th June 1946, aged 70 years; her husband Duncan ROBERTSON who died 19th January 1952, aged 81 years; their son in law John WOOD, Cpl. Gordon Highlanders, killed in action, 27th March 1945, interred at Rees, Germany.
- (Vertical) In memory of Catherine McArthur MUIR who died 16th January 1946, aged 70 years; her husband Andrew ARMOUR who died 9th December 1952, aged 85 years.
- (Vertical) Sacred to the memory of William JOLLY who died 15th February 1957 in his 81st year; his wife Georgina BRUCE who died 27th September 1972, aged 84 years.
- (Vertical) Erected by Andrew PATON in memory of his wife Jessie Ann BLACK who died 29th March 1932, aged (6)9 years; their son in law William T. HOUSTON, husband of Jessie Isobel PATON, killed 9th June 1934, aged 39 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Robert McCULLOCH who died 9th September 1937, aged 73 years; his wife Mary McCULLOCH who died 21st November 1938, aged 74 years; their daughter Mary Gray HOLMES who died 17th May 1939, aged 43 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of George HARRISON who died 13th April 1961, aged 80 years; his wife Elizabeth MURRAY who died 8th August 1973, aged 85 years; their daughter Isabella McMeekin HARRISON who died 12th December 1948, aged 31 years; John STOCKDALE who died 30th March 1947, aged 25 years.
- (Vertical) Erected by Duncan CAMPBELL who died 26th April 1957; his wife Catherine CAMPBELL who died 18th December 1950; their son John who died 21st August 1944, aged 31 years.
- (Book) Kenneth McLEOD who died 11th December 1934; from the staff of A. Massey & Sons, Union Street.
- (Vertical) In memory of John STOCKDALE who died 30th March 1947, aged 25 years, husband of Mary McLEAN; from his fellow workers with David Rowan & Co. Ltd.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Robert JACK who died 5th February 1934, aged 69 years; his wife Elizabeth MURRIE who died 13th April 1934, aged 72 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Robert (Bob) MAYHEW who died 17th June 1978, aged 74 years; his wife Elizabeth (Betty) MAYHEW who died 5th October 1988, aged 80 years; her mother Elizabeth BARR who died 30th December 1951.
- (Vertical) In memory of Jeanie MUIR who died 18th July 1940; her husband William SEMPLE who died 22nd December 1951; their daughter Jenny who died 21st February 2000.
- (Vertical) In memory of Thomas McPHERSON who died 19th October 1952; his wife Agnes C. WAID who died 17th February 1983, aged 83 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Gilbert McKAY who died 17th December 1946, aged 52 years; his wife Catherine MacPHERSON who died 30th December 1992, aged 92 years : their son Gilbert who died 9th March 1944, aged 20 years; their son Dugald who died 16th October 1975, aged 50 years.
- (Book) In memory of P.O. Gilbert MacKAY R.N.V.R, accidentally drowned 9th March 1944, aged 20 years.
- (Vertical) G. McKAY, engineman R.N.P.S. LT/KY 151609; H.M.B.Y.M.S. 2054; 9th March 1944, aged 20 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Agnes WHITE who died 12th August 1945, aged 52 years; her husband Robert BONE who died 24th December 1967, aged 74 years; their son Hugh who died 13th August 1942, aged 17 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Margaret R. STEWART, mother and grandmother, who died 2nd March 2002, aged 72 years, wife of Robert F. BONE.
- (Vertical) In memory of Donald KINGHORN who died 24th September 1916, aged 3 years; Alexander KINGHORN, B.Sc. who died 12th May 1936, aged 26 years; our parents-William KINGHORN who died 16th August 1951, aged 68 years and Mary DARROCH who died 15th April 1964, aged 85 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of my wife Catherine Kinghorn RAESIDE who died 17th March 1935.
- (Vertical) Erected by her family to the memory of Annie SKENE who died 9th December 1984, aged 80 years; her husband George SKENE who died 10th January 1981, aged 78 years; our grandfather Neal BONNER who died 7th April 1951, aged 76 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Elizabeth S. FORD who died 16th March 1968, aged 67 years; her husband William B. TEMPLETON who died 12th September 1978, aged 77 years.
- (Special) In loving memory of our father Neal BONNER who died 7th April 1951.
- (Vertical) Erected in loving memory of Charles James WALDIE of Blanefield House, who died 22nd April 1954; his wife Gertrude THORNTON who died 29th September 1969.
- (Vertical) Erected in memory of James WATSON who died at Netherton, Blanefield, 16th June 1945, aged 76 years; his wife Mary A. WATSON who died 16th September 1947, aged 78 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of William Weir COCHRAN who died 9th October 1941, aged 55 years; his wife Catherine FARQUHER who died 28th November 1966, aged 82 years; their daughter Jeanie Thomas who died 27th November 1990, aged 74 years.
- (Book) In remembrance of William COCHRAN who died 9th October 1941; from the members of Strathblane Bowling Club.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of David D. COVE who died 25th September 1944, aged 48 years; his aunt Grace HOOD who died 5th January 1956, aged 75 years; his sister Annie Valentine COVE who died 2nd March 1979, aged 79 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Margaret Thow CUMMING who died 15th March 1956; her husband Henry CHAPPELLE who died 1st September 1956; their only son Henry who died 7th March 1944, aged 20 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of George CUMMING who died 22nd November 1945; his wife Catherine HUNTER who died 18th January 1950; Jessie HUNTER, widow of Stewart LUKE, who died 16th May 1958.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of our parents-Charlotte Leslie PATERSON who died 18th April 1953, aged 84 years and James McLellan KIRKPATRICK who died 1st March 1954, aged 89 years; our sister Leah who died 6th July 1908, aged 9 years.
- (Vertical) Erected in memory of John McRAE who died 29th June 1934, aged 76 years; his wife Janet Ritchie McRAE who died 6th December 1945, aged 86 years; their son Donald, killed in action in France, 1915.
- (Vertical) Sacred to the memory of Donald A. MORRISON who died 16th June 1951; his wife Helen M. BIRRELL who died 3rd February 1986.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Hugh Taylor BROWN who died 2nd October 1936; Euphemia Frances FLEMING-BROWN who died 14th October 1953, widow of James FLEMING-BROWN; her son Gerald Francis FLEMING-BROWN, born 8th September 1894, died 28th April 1956.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of my husband William HUNTER who died 27th May 1934.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Mary Tennant GRAHAM who died 2nd November 1973, aged 87 years; her brother William GRAHAM who died 4th August 1985, aged 93 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of George J. CLARKE who died 31st March 1945 in his 8th year; Margaret REID, wife of F. D. CLARKE, who died 7th December 1950.
- (Special) In loving memory of Wilson MacNEILL who died 1st May 1965; his wife Margaret MacNEILL who died 24th July 1971.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Alexander URQUHART who died 5th February 1942, aged 72 years; his wife Ann Elizabeth SCOTT who died 2nd January 1943, aged 73 years; their daughter Annie Elizabeth Scott CLARK who died 13th January 2002, aged 96 years.
- (Book) In memory of Edwin McPherson CLARK, husband of Annie URQUHART, who died 2nd March 1975, aged 75 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of William MALCOLM who died 7th May 1949, aged 64 years; his wife Jean Roy CHRISTIE who died 25th April 1974, aged 86 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Nan FAIRLEY who died 8th February 1956; her husband Alexander BRASH who died 2nd September 1962.
- (Vertical) Stuart BAXTER who died in Cyprus, 4th October 1975; his wife Pamela Mary BAXTER who died 22nd May 2001, aged 77 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Hugh TAYLOR who died 2nd September 1960, aged 78 years, beloved husband of Mary MacARTHUR.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of James BROWN who died 10th April 1961, aged 76 years; his wife Margaret Barker CROLL who died 18th December 1981, aged 97 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Thomas THOMSON who died 12th March 1965, aged 79 years; his wife Mary McLEAN who died 23rd October 1967, aged 73 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of husband and father Archibald MacGREGOR who died 10th February 1966, aged 75 years; his wife Jane MANN who died 27th October 1992, aged 92 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Winifred CAMERON who died 11th July 1966, aged 52 years; her husband Charles O’DONNELL who died 8th April 1981, aged 83 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Helen Rankine WALLS who died 13th August 1966, aged 83 years; her husband James WALLS who died 24th April 1975, aged 93 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of John C. O’DONNELL who died 5th May 1967, aged 33 years, husband of Janette McMILLAN.
- (Vertical with flat stone in front) In loving memory of Donaldina Morrison GUNN who died 13th March 1967, aged 33 years, wife of Robert MELROSE; In loving memory of Robert MELROSE, 26th December 1931-25th May 2003, husband of Winnie.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of baby Heather MARR who died January 1964; Jean BRUCE, born 26th June 1914, died 1st March 1991; her husband Wm. McGregor BRUCE, born 31st July 1912, died 20th September 2000.
- (Two vertical stones) In loving memory of William MUNDEN who died 16th August 1963, aged 53 years; his wife Edith McCULLOCH who died 16th November 1987, aged 71 years; with deepest sympathy from fellow road workers.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Robert MELROSE who died 8th April 1963, aged 75 years; his wife Emily FITZPATRICK who died 30th December 1971, aged 79 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Helen IMRIE who died 26th February 1977, aged 88 years, daughter of the late John and Helen IMRIE of Balbirnie, Markinch and nanny to the Edmonstone family for many years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Donald MacINTYRE who died 17th October 1969; his wife Nancy who died 6th June 2000.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Hugh ARBUCKLE who died 17th July 1936; his son David Smith who died 17th October 1935; his son Hugh who died 19th October 1971; In memory of our foreman David ARBUCKLE, from the workers of the Smithy Dept, Stewarts & Lloyds, Rutherglen.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Allan RISK who died 24th January 1972, aged 90 years; his wife Minnie LETHAM who died 14th November 1972 aged 85 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Cecil N. T. PHILIPS, Glenorchy, Milngavie, who died 22nd January 1969; his son James Murray PHILIPS who died 17th January 1985; his wife Barbara SIMPSON who died 11th June 1990, aged 94 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of William HOLMES who died 26th November 1974, aged 78 years; his wife Penuel ANDERSON who died 30th November 1983, aged 84 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of my dear husband Alexander Norman HOGG who died 21st February 1988, aged 63 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of James HOGG who died 20th February 1966, aged 64 years; his wife Jean Tinto TWEEDIE who died 22nd April 1984, aged 82 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of James HUTCHISON who died 22nd January 1960; his wife Isabella HEBBINGTON who died 25th June 1964.
- (Vertical) In memory of Peter Currie SUTHERLAND who died 7th March 1971, aged 72 years; his wife Mary STEWART who died 4th March 1976, aged 75 years; their son James SUTHERLAND who died 31st October 1998, aged 77 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of William BRAMHAM who died 1st July 1967; his wife Elizabeth HARLOW who died 1st October 1980.
- (Vertical) Blanche Baden CUNNINGHAM, born 26th December 1900, died 17th November 1970; her husband Richard Milton PARK, born 28th March 1891, died 25th November 1972.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Donald F. WILSON who died 14th June 1964; his wife Mattie who died 29th June 2002.
- (Vertical) In memory of Elizabeth COCHRAN who died 20th November 1957, aged 44 years; her husband Frank McC. KANE who died 15th April 1989, aged 73 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of William JOHNSTON who died 2nd June 1969, aged 86 years; his wife Isabella JACK who died 23rd November 1976, aged 86 years; a friend Alexander McGREGOR, Auchineden Home Farm, who died 25th January 1937, aged 82 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of husband and father Robert THOMSON who died 18th December 1969, aged 61 years; his wife Mary who died 5th July 1990, aged 80 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of our parents-Anne MacPHERSON, 1896 -1978, Hamilton BROWN, 1884-1935; aunt Mary MacPHERSON -1895-1959; by children and grandchildren in Canada.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Neil MacPHERSON who died 9th April 1955, husband of Ethel KIMBERLIN.
- (Vertical) Sacred to the memory of Jean MacPHERSON, wife of Stewart LAMBERT, who died 9th April 1958; her parents Duncan and Margaret MacPHERSON who are interred in old burial ground.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of James McLEAN who died 27th November 1959; his wife Margaret McPHERSON who died 9th June 1981; their eldest son James Donald McLEAN who died 4th September 1945, aged 16 years, interred at Bannockbum.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of William James LIVINGSTONE who died 6th July 1965, aged 32 years, husband of Frances M. TAYLOR.
- (Vertical) In loving memeory of husband and father William MclNNES who died 21st June 2002, aged 91 years.
- (Vertical) Sacred to the memory of Robert MORRISON who died 27th February 1958; his brother James N. MORRISON who died 25th November 1962; his sister Jessie Gardner MORRISON who died 14th February 1972; his sister Mary Mclntosh MORRISON who died 9th October 1969.
- (Vertical) To the dear memory of Hilda TODD who died 19th July 1947, wife of John RIGG; his mother Isabella RIGG who died 10th January 1960 in her 91st year.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Thomas CALDWELL C.A. who died 20th December 1959, aged 71 years; his wife Elizabeth CALDWELL who died 22nd March 1966, aged 75 years.
- (Vertical) Alasdair E. J. WARD, of Broadgate, who died 11th September 1961, aged 23 years; his father James T. R. WARD who died 12th July 1964, aged 56 years; John M. DAWSON who died 11th November 1977, aged 39 years; Hannah W. WARD who died 24th September 1987, aged 75 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Robina Birnie LAWRENCE (Ruby), born Rathen, Aberdeenshire, 23rd April 1868, died Hyeres, France, 15th August 1946; her husband James Bryce McLENNAN, formerly of Ardoch, Blanefield, born 26th December 1869, died 3rd March 1950.
- (Vertical) Sacred to the memory of Andrew A. SCOTT who died 23rd February 1944; his wife Ryner Annie H. DE’ATH who died 23rd November 1967; parents of Alex. Betty, Jean, Jack and Ryner.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of William SCOTT who died 25th July 1950; his sisters Isabella LAMONT who died 21st October 1975, Marion Graham SCOTT who died 28th January 1986, and Janet SCOTT who died 11th July 1987.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of John Ross ANDERSON who died 2nd August 1983; his wife Dorrie who died 15th April 1993; their only son Andrew Ross ANDERSON, husband of Morven, who died 8th December 1970, aged 28 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Alice May BARR who died 21st May 1978, aged 85 years; her husband John K. CAMPBELL J.P. who died 13th April 1983, aged 86 years; their daughter Alice Margaret CAMPBELL who died 26th July 2000, age 76 years, sister of Joan.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Agnes Rochead WATSON who died 19th July 1976, aged 71 years; her husband Robert Ure GRAHAM who died 6th April 1995, aged 94 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Samuel James CAINE who died 19th February 1968, aged 54 years; his wife Annie McColl GRAHAM who died 24th June 1991, aged 81 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Archibald GRAHAM who died 18th February 1985, aged 82 years, husband of Martha SCARBOROUGH.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of George Williamson McMILLAN who died 4th January 1962, aged 82 years; his wife Margaret EDGAR who died 31st December 1972, aged 93 years; their only son John George Edgar McMILLAN who died 25th December 1973, aged 59 years; John’s wife Elizabeth Brunton McGREGOR who died 29th October 1975, aged 62 years.
- (Vertical) In cherished memory of Catherine G. HUNTER who died 1st August 1976, aged 61 years; her husband James BROWN who died 21st April 2003, aged 91 years.
- (Vertical) In cherished memory of my husband, Bruce BLAIR who died 25th February 1977, aged 55 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Malcolm McF. HAGGART who died 11th August 1976, aged 73 years, husband of Helen WHITESIDE.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of John Mollett CLAVERING who died 15th March 1936.
- (Vertical) In memory of Daniel HAGGART who died 26th May 1971, aged 66 years; his wife Marion MILLER who died 14th June 2000, aged 96 years.
- (Vertical) To the memory of our dear brother Donald Cameron CUTHBERTSON who died 14th February 1974, youngest son of the late Marion and William CUTHBERTSON, stationmaster, Strathblane; their eldest daughter Bessie Wingate ADAM who died 6th November 1980, aged 76 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of our dear sister Jean McGREGOR who died 26th December 1970.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Alexander WATSON who died 29th September 1969, aged 76 years; his wife Mary McFARLANE who died 2nd February 1983, aged 86 years; their daughter Lilias WATSON who died 28th January 2004, aged 77 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Frank C. HOLMES who died 3rd February 1970, aged 74 years; his wife Alexina (Lai) HENDERSON who died 14th July 1983; their daughter Winifred Frances CALDER, 24th August 1932-4th September 1996, sister, wife and mother.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Seonaid Campbell MacKENZIE, Dumbrock, Strathblane, who died 26th July 1963, only daughter of Sir Robert and Lady MacKENZIE of Edinbarnet.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Lesley Gordon Henry PRIESTLEY who died 17th February 1977, aged 57 years, husband, father and grandfather.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of our dear parents John KELTIE who died 3rd April 1972, aged 79 years and Elizabeth KELTIE who died 6th January 1976, aged 81 years.
- (Flower casket) Claire.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of daughter Eleanor LAW who died after birth, 13th-14th October 1975; her mother Moira LAW, 21st December 1955-19th February 2004.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of William L’anson CAMPBELL who died 9th November 1975; his wife Margaret YOUNG who died 5th April 1983.
- (Vertical) In memory of Hugh McWILLIAMS who died 10th March 1969, husband of Jean WALLACE.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Hugh McC. McLEAN who died 26th February 1969, aged 59 years; his wife Christina McLENNAN who died 5th December 1999, aged 93 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of John SCOTT who died 10th April 1969; his wife Annie Livingstone PATRICK who died 4th July 1971.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of John STEWART who died 9th May 1976; his wife Jessie KENNEDY who died 21st June 1983.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Beatrice May TREMLETT who died 3rd January 1963, aged 69 years; her husband James McCOLL who died 15th January 1987, aged 94 years; his sister Jean McCOLL who died 28th January 1968, aged 79 years.
- (Vertical) Bedfordshire Police; Police Constable Ian C. M. PURDIE, accidentally killed in Bedford, 30th November 1981, aged 23 years, only son of Anne and James PURDIE.
- (Vertical) In memory of Christina MORRISON who died 5th October 1967; her husband Peter Duncan MORRISON who died 8th September 1982, aged 87 years.
- (Vertical) William W. RANKIN, 20th February 1919-22nd September 1991, dear husband, father and grandfather.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Wiliam MacDOUGALL who died 21st September 1967; his wife Elizabeth BLACK who died 23rd November 1980.
- (Vertical) Elspet, born 27th October 1895, died 9th August 1984, wife of Robert McKINNON, mother of June, grandmother of Philip and William RANKIN.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Alexander Neil DUNN who died 14th February 1974, aged 81 years, husband of Margaret McCREADIE, eldest son of James and Mary DUNN.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of husband and father Hugh TEMPLETON who died 27th June 1983, aged 74 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Caroline PHILLIPS who died 1st June 1967, aged 62 years, wife of David Hay CHAPMAN.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Mary CLARK who died 3rd April 1963, aged 79 years; her husband Robert McBLAIN who died 5th October 1975, aged 88 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of husband and father David McLEOD who died 16th November 1972, aged 48 years.
- (Vertical-against tree) In loving memory of our dear mother Mary KEENAM who died 10th June 1944, aged 54 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Patrick HOARE, groom, who died at Duntreath stables, 7th November 1933.
- (Vertical) In memory of our elder son John CARMICHAEL who died 26th February 1965, aged 11 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Isabella Lawson WALLACE, born 25th February 1932, died 26th April 1938; William WALLACE, born 6th April 1906, died 16th June 1982; Isabella Lawson WALLACE nee RATTRAY, born 17th May 1905, died 10th September 1999.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Andrew ANDERSON who died 11th March 1940, aged 73 years; Mary Anderson RAESIDE who died 1st August 1945, aged 79 years; her husband Francis RAESIDE who died 16th February 1954, aged 78 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Robert GAIR who died 20th February 1982 in his 65th year; his wife Joan HARRISON who died 21st September 1989 in her 70th year.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Janet MILLER who died 13th June 1940, aged 28 years; baby Anne who died at birth 7th May 1958; Mary MILLER, mother and grandmother, who died 4th March 1960, aged 84 years; Katherine MILLER who died 12th August 1980, aged 66 years; Robert MILLER who died 20th January 1997, aged 91 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Margaret MARSHALL who died 15th September 1940, aged 56 years; her husband Thomas McELVEEN who died 14th March 1953, aged 69 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Catherine MacKintosh CHISHOLM, born 15th August 1889, died 19th December 1981; her sister Christina CHISHOLM, born 12th April 1895, died 3rd June 1982.
- (Vertical) In memory of Fred. Wm. McGREADIE who died 4th June 1942; his daughter Winifred who died 24th August 1955; his wife Ann WILSON who died 31st August 1960; their son John W. who died 20th September 1973.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of my dear husband John White ALEXANDER, Middleton of Mugdock, who died 15th April 1983.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of husband and father John H. TURNBULL who died 2nd December 1980, aged 52 years.
- (Vertical) Treasured memories of Sam SKILLEN who died 18th April 1981, aged 65 years, husband of Nan YOUNG.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Duncan McCUAIG who died 2nd February 1958, aged 71 years; his wife Margaret ANDERSON who died 20th December 1958, aged 63 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Robert ORR who died 15th April 1985, aged 78 years; his wife Jessie PIRIE who died 18th April 1986, aged 79 years; parents of Robert, Jim, Anne and Helen.
- (Flower casket) James BLACK, 1949-1970.
- (Vertical-leaning against wall) In memory of Alexander McGREGOR, Auchineden Home farm, who died 25th January 1937, aged 82 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of John Grigor KELLIE who died 15th March 1950; his wife Jeanie DOUGALL who died 5th February 1961.
- (Vertical) To the precious memory of our son James SINCLAIR who died 1st August 1962, aged 44 years; his mother Annabella JONES who died 27th September 1967, aged 74 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of James MELLON who died 15th January 1960, aged 63 years; his wife Catherine MELLON who died 22nd June 1977, aged 75 years; their son Jack MELLON who died 21st July 1962, aged 42 years; their daughter Cathy TUTTY, 1922-1999; their daughter Elizabeth Kerr MELLON who died 27th December 2003, aged 80 years.
- (Flat-in front of 616) Treasured memories of our parents Catherine Mary TUTTY, 1922-1999; Thomas Joseph TUTTY, 1919-1991.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Archibald ALEXANDER who died 29th August 1962; his wife Margaret Thomson WOODROW who died 30th May 1972.
- (Vertical) To the memory of Elizabeth SCOTT who died 10th March 1960, aged 69 years; her husband John A. MUNRO who died 22nd March 1964, aged 72 years; their daughter Christina MUNRO who died 11th August 2000, aged 80 years.
- Vertical) In loving memory of our father Robert Simpson WILSON who died 15th March 1954, aged 44 years; our mother Jane Paton WILSON who died 25th October 1999, aged 93 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Winston B. K. GARDINER (Kim) who died 16th July 1959, aged 50 years; his daughter Anne who died 20th November 1980, aged 27 years; his wife Agnes Muir GUY who died 2nd August 1991, aged 73 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Daniel LOWE who died at Edinkiln, 6th June 1942, aged 75 years; his son Alexander LOWE who died in Germany, October 1919, aged 24 years; his son’s wife Effie MATHIESON who died in Dunvegan, Skye, August 1951; his wife Helen VESSIE who died 5th September 1961 in her 94th year.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Mary DOUGLAS who died at Dunmullin, 1st April 1937.
- (Vertical) Erected in memory of Jane DUNN who died 7th June 1935, aged 68 years; James DUNN who died 24th June 1936, aged 57 years; William DUNN who died 1st February 1940, aged 75 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Vera CURRIE who died 11 th January 2001, aged 72 years; her husband William CURRIE who died 19th September 2000, aged 73 years; their baby daughter Shirley Helen, born 7th May 1955, died 30th June 1955.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of husband and father James MASSIE who died 12th May 1955, aged 64 years; his wife Jane A. MASSIE who died 21st July 1965, aged 66 years.
- (Vertical) Erected in memory of Margaret HOUSTON who died 24th September 1944 in her 58th year; her husband John McNEILL who died 14th August 1962, aged 91 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Ann HARGROVES who died at Duntreath Cottage, 7th August 1956; her husband Henry W. GIBB who died at Dumgoyne, 26th January 1964; their son Ronald H. GIBB who died 3rd March 2000, brother of Nancy.
- (Vertical) In memory of our son Thomas GALLOWAY who died 6th May 1942, aged 13 years; our niece Alice BURNS who died 23rd May 1945, aged 28 years.
- (Vertical) Precious memories of mother and gran, Agnes HAMILTON who died 26th May 1965, aged 54 years; brother and uncle, Malcolm DUNAN who died 25th April 1996, aged 55 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Johnann McTAGGART who died 20th April 1944, aged 71 years; her husband William McCREDIE, Woodhouse, Milngavie, who died 8th March 1949, aged 78 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Peter McLAREN who died 11th January 1959; his wife Margaret McNEILL who died 18th September 1978.
- (Vertical) In remembrance of George Gray KEDDIE (Doddie) who died 22nd January 1956, husband of Bertha.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of John CUMMING, Muirhouse Farm, who died 4th February 1964, aged 79 years; his wife Margaret Millar MURCHIE who died 13th May 1932, aged 42 years; their son John who died 21st March 1997, aged 77 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of Sarah WAITERS who died 3rd April 1933, aged 71 years; her husband William AIKMAN who died 5th March 1934, aged 73 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of John WADDELL who died 14th February 1963, aged 68 years; his wife Janet Greenlaw MORTON who died 7th April 1962, aged 67 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of William JOLLY who died 5th February 1938, aged 66 years; his son Robert who died 26th December 1937, aged 37 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of John GRAHAM who died 10th January 1975, aged 90 years; his sister Josephine Bolton who died 4th January 1956, aged 72 years; his wife Robertina GRAHAM who died 26th June 1972 aged 85 years
- (Vertical) In loving memory of John P. GRANT who died 10th December 1987, aged 87 years; his wife Grace M. GRANT who died 24th April 1992, aged 82 years.
- (Vertical) In ever loving memory of Thomas KERR, Rangitane, Blanefield, who died 13th June 1956; his wife Isabella PATERSON who died 17th December 1968.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of my uncle, James Gilbert ELLIOT, born 20th December 1867, died 20th May 1945; my mother, Isabella ELLIOT, born 5th May 1863, died 29th January 1949.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of William B. BRODIE who died 24th December 1961, aged 63 years; his son James who died 15th May 1974.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Alexander DOW who died 5th April 1939, aged 77 years; his wife Elizabeth H. MUIR who died 18th August 1943, aged 74 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of John Campbell PATERSON who died 19th November 1957, aged 39 years; his father William PATERSON who died 5th April 1961, aged 79 years; his mother Margaret McFARLANE who died 6th April 1966, aged 82 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of James MURPHY who died 10th November 1958, aged 51 years; his wife Annie RAMSAY who died 31st May 1982, aged 78 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Robert THOMSON who died at Duntreath Cottage, 2nd December 1935, aged 58 years; Jane Brown THOMSON who died 19th April 1960, aged 79 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Peter SHARP who died 14th July 1959, aged 73 years; his wife Williamina SUTHERLAND who died 17th December 1980, aged 93 years; Diana S. MONTGOMERY who died 9th February 1987, wife of Oliver MONTGOMERY.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of William SHARP who died 8th January 1954, aged 61 years; his wife Violet M. SHARP who died 12th March 1990, aged 95 years.
- (Vertical) In memory of parents, Peter TAYLOR who died 19th September 1956 and Marion TAYLOR who died 6th November 1934; their daughter Frances who died 13th February 2001, aged 85 years, mother of Mairi, Rina and Rosalind.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Frank BARR, Hazeldene, Blanefield, who died 2nd December 1948; his wife Jean Lawrie HAMILTON who died 5th March 1967.
- (Vertical) Cecil DEACON of Lenzie, who died 21st March 1935, aged 76 years; his wife Letitia Frances DEACON who died 3rd February 1946, aged 86 years; their eldest son Edmund Oakley who died 8th September 1963, aged 78 years; his wife Mary Margaret ROME who died 9th December 1990, aged 85 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Joyce W. B. RAE who died 19th October 1985, aged 47 years, wife of Cecil O. DEACON.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of George GRAHAM who died 30th June 1978, aged 72 years, husband of Sybil GRAY.
- (Stone pillar set in metal oval) Alix. Noel MITCHELL, 1944-1965; Helen A. N. MITCHELL, 1906 -1995; William Boyd MITCHELL, 1897-1975.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of our mother Annie HAY, born 15th July 1898, died 20th November 1985.
- (Vertical) April TAYLOR who died 3rd December 1985, aged 11 years, daughter and sister; our son Vance who died 8th December 1990, aged 33 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Robert James OGLE who died 14th September 1986, aged 26 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Alexander M. McLEAN who died 18th November 1986, aged 55 years, husband of Isabella S. DIGGENS.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of George F. GREENWOOD, 27th January 1936-10th January 1987, husband and father.
- (Vertical) In memory of Jean Hunter ALEXANDER who died 21 st January 1987, aged 72 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Rachell Blyth BELL, born 20th March 1895, died 3rd February 1987.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of James McAulay BAIRD who died 19th August 1987, aged 76 years; his wife Wilhelmina Baxter BAIRD who died 8th April 1995, aged 78 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Kate McGREGOR who died 21 st August 1987, aged 67 years; her husband Jim CARNEGIE who died 13th April 1989, aged 67 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Ian HAMILTON, husband, father and grandfather, who died 22nd September 2004, aged 75 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Patrick Allan BARNS-GRAHAM, born 19th February 1915, died 4th June 1997.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Edward Bell MacLELLAN who died 16th January 1988, aged 54 years, husband of Flora.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Gary I. HENDERSON, 1st June 1970-20th May 1988, aged 17 years, son and brother.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Mona KINNEAR who died 17th August 1988, aged 60 years, mother, grandmother and sister; her husband Zbigniew Anthony HOLMES who died 28th February 1996, aged 75 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Shona Isobel SQUAIR who died 10th November 1988, aged 31 years, daughter of Robert and Sheila SQUAIR, sister of Robin; Robert Brechin SQUAIR who died 12th March 2001, aged 83 years, husband of Ingeborg SQUAIR.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Anne Dunlop PORTER who died 4th August 1997, aged 83 years; her husband John PORTER who died 29th October 2000, aged 83 years.
- (Flat) To the memory of Peter ATTLE, friend and colleague.
- (Vertical) In memory of Reay MacKay LEASK, husband and father, born Ootacamund, 1926, died Strathblane, 1991; his wife Anne BOYD, born Glasgow, 1926, died Strathblane, 2001.
- (Vertical) In loving remembrance of our first child Rachel Joy HARNETT, 24th June 1986-27th January 1990.
- (Vertical) In loving Memory of Wiliam CARRUTHERS who died 25th April 1990, aged 65 years, husband of Joan, father of Jane, David Mary and Helen.
- (Vertical) Treasured memories of husband and father Alan BROWN, 18th September 1949-18th December 1989.
- (Vertical) Cherished memories of dear wife Frances Mary JOLLY who died 21 st November 1989, aged 35 years; mother and grandmother Kathleen RYAN who died 11th January 2004, aged 87 years. 676A (Vertical) In loving memory of John BEATTIE, born 28th October 1928, died 7th October 1989, husband of Henzey BEATTIE.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Jennifer Margaret HOGG who died 7th November 1995, aged 62 years; her husband Sandy Macintosh HOGG who died 30th June 1997, aged 70 years; parents of Christopher and Angus.
- (Vertical) In memory of Neil McKAY who died 16th July 1995, aged 67 years, father of Fiona, husband of Dot.
- (Vertical) Our beloved Ingrid who died 27th May 1995, aged 59 years, wife of John YOUNG, mother of Karen and Jane.
- (Vertical) Cherished memories of Susan C. BROWN, 2nd May 1980-17th February 1995, daughter of Robert and Christine, sister of Charles.
- (Vertical) Cherished memories of Mary G. HODGE, 3rd October 1928-28th January 1995; her husband Robert W. LITTLER, 6th November 1916-23rd August 1985; their daughter in law Christine SPENDLOVE, 27th December 1952-16th August 1995, mother of John.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Graham STRACHAN, born 1st November 1931, died 1st January 1995, husband of Catherine Vivian.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Ian McSPORRAN who died 21st September 1996, aged 68 years, father of Sheila, Jimmy and Neil; his wife Jessie who died 14th May 2004, aged 74 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Lawrie RAILTON who died 3rd June 1994, aged 46 years, father of Karen, husband of Shona.
- (Vertical) In memoriam John A. A. SPEIRS C A F R I C S who died at Kingsalmon, Alaska, 11th September 1993, aged 56 years, husband and father.
- (Vertical) To the beautiful memory of Alan William Wilson BELL, 20th June 1940-23rd November 1993, father of Derek and Warren, husband of Ena.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Alastair MacDONALD who died 9th May 2000, aged 65 years, father and grandfather, husband of Ishbel.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Allan MacDONALD who died 10th August 2002, aged 43 years, husband, father, son, brother, uncle and friend.
- (Vertical) Cherished memories of son John McINTYRE, 26th April 1956-26th September 2000, father of John and Gary, husband of Margaret.
- (Vertical) Remembered always Maureen LITTLER who died 12th December 1998, aged 39 years, mother and sister, wife of Paul FRANCHI.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of husband John B. GRANT who died 19th October 2000.
- (Vertical) In memory of Jean Steele CHRISTIE, born 19th January 1933, died 29th December 2000, wife, mother and grandmother.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Silvie ALEXANDER who died 29th June 2001, aged 64 years, wife of Charles.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of James Sneddon GREENOCK who died 13th April 2005, aged 75 years, father and grandfather, husband of Doris.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Alison Mary PORTER, born 7th February 1934, died 11th August 2001, wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend.
- (Vertical) In memory of Professor W. Ferguson ANDERSON who died 28th June 2001, husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of James C. MARSHALL who died 26th May 2004, husband and father.
- (Wooden cross) Evan SHARPE, 12th May 1932-3rd January 2002, husband of Margaret and father.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Elsie Olive DAVIDSON, 26th January 1930-20th February 2002, wife of Francis Pollock McARTHUR, mother of Janice and Hugh.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Thomas DICK, 15th May 1920-6th May 2002, husband and father.
- (Vertical) In remembrance of William Alexander BROWN O B E, 1916-2002, by his family.
- (Special) Our baby Rachel Jessica SCOTT, born 21 st July 2003.
- (Vertical) Precious memories of Jimmy JENKINS who died 3rd September 2003, husband, father and grandfather.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Robina Noble BOWES (Ruby), 4th March 1924-1st March 2002, wife of John (Jack), mother of Rita and Allan.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Mabel CLARK who died 4th March 2005, aged 96 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of our son Richard James PERCY, 19th May 1991-15th August 1991.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Donald MacKENZIE who died 17th November 1991, aged 47 years, husband of Ellen, father of April.
- (Vertical) In cherished memory of Elizabeth Middleton HOPES who died 21st November 1991, aged 59 years, mother and grandmother, wife of Roderick McKenzie HOPES; Rachel McKenzie HOPES who died 25th March 1997, aged 90 years.
- (Vertical) Son of our sorrow, Ben TORBET, born and died 27th April 1992.
- (Vertical) Clemy. CALLANDER who died 25th June 1992, husband of Bunty, father of William and Shona.
- (Vertical) Treasured memories of Marjory MacDONALD, 1908 -1999, mother of Jeanette and Duncan, grandmother and great-grandmother.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Peter Ian MacGREGOR who died 8th September 1999, aged 69 years.
- (Vertical) Cherished memories of Malcolm A. SCOTT who died 8th December 1992, aged 64 years, husband of Mary, father of Louise.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Ian KENNEDY who died 31st January 1993, aged 69 years, husband of Phyllis CHAMBERS and father.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of James GALLAGHER, born 25th April 1929, died 19th February 1993, husband of Margaret CALLAGHAN and father.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Janet (Jessie) KIRTON who died 14th April 1993, aged 97 years, wife of the late George KIRTON.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Irenie Margaret FAULKNER who died 28th September 1993, aged 52 years; her husband James Victor FAULKNER who died 12th August 1997, aged 55 years; parents of Fiona and Jillian.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Thomas Peat KETTLE who died 4th December 1993, aged 56 years, husband, father and grandfather.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Hugh Alastair CAMERON-ROSE who died 30th December 1994, aged 48 years, husband of Fiona EDMONSTONE.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Margaret Campbell DINGWALL who died at Strathblane, 22nd February 1996, aged 73 years; her husband John Martin SMITH, born Edinburgh, died Strathblane, 10th September 2004, aged 86 years, father.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Timothy McCARREY who died 9th July 1996, aged 43 years, husband and father.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Alison LAWSON, 19th May 1936-3rd August 1996, wife and mother.
- (Vertical) Stewart GILCHRIST who died 23rd November 1997, aged 43 years, husband of Susie.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of James HARVEY, 1909 -1998; his wife Barbara GILLIES, 1909- 2001, parents of Jim. and Marion.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of John PATON of Meadowhead, who died 18th March 1998, aged 87 years, husband of Ruby, father of the family.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Jessie MORTON who died 19th November 1998, aged 88 years, mother and grandmother.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Annie McKillop CUMMING who died 3rd January 1999, aged 76 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Hugh Welsh MALCOLM who died 19th February 1999, aged 76 years.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Elizabeth Letzon Kerr GALLOWAY, born 29th April 1925, died 13th May 1999.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Nigel WILKINSON who died 27th June 1999, aged 41 years, father, husband and son.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Sheila ROWAN, born 2nd March 1923, died 18th August 1999.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Marion Steel BARRY, nee THOMSON, 1917-2000.
- (Vertical) Lynn Rachel McCULLOCH who died at the Linwood air accident 3rd September 1999, aged 25 years, daughter, sister and friend.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Margaret MITCHELL who died 3rd April 2000, aged 80 years; her husband William who died 4th December 1983, aged 68 years.
- (Vertical) Treasured memories of Archibald B. CAMPBELL who died 12th February 2000, aged 67 years, husband of June, father and grandfather.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of Helen ORR who died 28th July 1998, aged 55 years, wife of John STEVEN.
- (Vertical) In loving memory of John NICOL who died 26th January 2000, aged 53 years, husband of Shirley, father of Cameron.
ISBN: 978-1-870186-99-5
GMI053-Strathblane-v1-2(A5).docx 03/02/2023
32 Mansfield Street Glasgow G11 5QP Scotland
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